Student Awards

Students of the Week
Alfie E, 1D - for being a great role model to his peers on how to follow classroom expectations and for such achievement on learning all your sounds.
Maya M, 5D - for demonstrating an outstanding attitude to her learning and being a wonderful role-model to her peers.
Emily K, PD - for being a good friend to her classmates and helping anyone who needs it.
Jonah B, 3C - for being a kind and compassionate member of our class, always willing to help others.
Green HERRRBY Award
Felix L, 2D - for his commitment in ensuring the classroom is always clean and tidy.
Asher N, PA - for having a positive attitude towards learning and taking on our class motto ‘mistakes are how we learn’. What a superstar!!
Skylah P, PA - for always taking initiative to help others in need and tidy up the class. What a great role model for Prep A!
Lucinda P, PB - for always working hard and exceeding my expectations in all writing tasks! You are a magical writer!! You can do it!
Jack F, PC - for constantly pushing himself in all learning areas. I love how you always give everything a crack! You are a superstar!
Emily S, 1A - for her excellent holiday recount postcard containing interesting openers, connectives, emotions and great details. Great job.
Miles D, 1B - for taking responsibility for his learning by asking questions and always being ‘ready to learn’
Esme S, 1C - for settling beautifully back into life at Gardenvale Primary after your extended family holiday. It’s great to have you back.
Mason Z, 1D - for being confident to share his strategies in Math groups. Amazing effort.
Yahli B, 2A - for settling back into the new school term with a determination to learn as much as possible, keep it up!
Lucy W, 2B - for settling in so quickly to life at Gardenvale Primary. What an asset to our class you are!
Thea H, 2C - for writing a wonderful holiday recount. I loved the way you described the events and your punctuation was perfect! Well done.
Jamie S, 3A - for his amazing museum creation. You are a star!
Owen J, 3B - for the awesome start you have had to Term 3. You have been a superstar learner and shown fantastic HERRRBy values.
Polly F, 4B - for always contributing her ideas to discussions and for being at all times fabulous!
Brodie S, 4C - for his commitment to Book Club reading particularly during the holidays. Well done! Keep up the good effort!
Ariella D, 5A - for her fabulous narrative writing which keeps all of 5A entertained.
Aelia K, 5B: for producing creative and innovative class work.
Mia C, 5C - for demonstrating exceptional focus and effort, resulting in outstanding work.
Ivy L, 6A - for applying herself to all tasks and achieving very good results. Well done, Ivy!
Max E, 6A - for being a great School Captain and more importantly a great friend! Well done, Max!
Abbon P, 6C - for your interest and engagement with everything we do at school! Keep up this wonderful passion Abbon!
Lucas M, 6D - for his excellent desire to develop his mathematical skills and knowledge and for his dedication to also assist others.
Japanese Ninja Star Awards
Zali B, PC - for showing HERRRBY values in class and coming to say Konnichiwa to sensei outside of the classroom.すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Hazel M, 1A - for being very caring and tidying the zabuton cushions for other students at the end of the lesson without being asked to do so. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!