Principal's Report

During Term 1 our Year 3 and 5 students undertook the National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). These results have arrived at school and will be forwarded to families this week. We are very proud of our students’ achievements as these excellent results reflect our students’ dedication to their learning, our outstanding teacher practice and the commitment of our parents to support and encourage their children in the learning. Our School NAPLAN cohort data will be shared in coming newsletters!
Curriculum Day
A reminder that Tuesday, 6th August, is a Curriculum Day. This is a student free day. The teaching staff will have a full day professional development which include the following:
- Strategies for teaching students that are neurodiverse and
- Science of Learning, including ‘Reviews’ at the beginning of lessons. Review strategies are techniques for reengaging with information that you have already learned, so that it becomes part of your long term memory.
Team Kids will be running a whole day program for families who require this service.
Parent Session - Growing Up Online
As educators and parents we are becoming increasingly concerned as to what our children are possibly being exposed to online. Glen Eira City Council have organised a parent session ‘Growing Up Online’. The 90-minute session, delivered by Susan McLean, will be held at the Glen Eria Town Hall on Thursday 1st August 2024 7:00pm.
Susan McLean was the first Victorian Police Officer appointed to a position involving CyberSafety and young people. She is a published author, internationally renowned speaker, and Australia’s foremost expert in CyberSafety and young people.
Below is the link for more information and book details -
Apple Boxes
Our Prep STEM teacher, Ilsa Cook, has planned a lesson in the coming weeks that will require using little plain cardboard packaging boxes, please see picture below! They are often sold as mini apples fruit packaging (Coles / Woolworths / Aldi /etc). If you do have any of these boxes, could you please send them in to either the Junior or Senior Campus Office.
Have a lovely week. If you like me, it will include a fair amount of my free time watching the Olympics!