St. Mel's 

Parent Social Committee 

New ~ Our next meeting ~

St. Mel's Social Club Pie Drive ~

School Disco ~ 

We need volunteers ~ Can you help us at our School Disco?

Volunteer Google Form  ~ please fill in. 


Volunteers have you completed the documentation required to volunteer under Child Safe Standards?

If not we ask you to visit the school website to download and complete the documentation OR collect a Volunteer Pack from the school Admin staff.

Return the documentation, along with your current Working With Children Check to the school Admin staff. You will then be contacted for induction.

Thank you!


Disco Flyer Design & Colours by Fahad Jaber & George Dainton 1/2 RH


Social Committee ~

St Mel’s Social Club is a small group of parents who meet regularly to assist with fundraising and providing social/community activities for our families and children.

In 2023 we organised and ran Mother’s Day and Father’s Day events, Colour Fun Run, Pie drive, raffles for Easter and Christmas, school disco and Beginning and End of Year social events.


Profits from fundraising contributed to the new shade sail and will purchase of a toaster for breaky club, a new dishwasher for the canteen, headphones for all students & a defibrillator for our school.


In 2024 this small group of parents need your help!!

Our first meeting, held last week, began organising the events for this year.  All of the events and activities are for our children and our community.


In 2024 we are fundraising for new equipment for our children in the yard – sports equipment, sand pit and cubby house equipment,  and helping with our kitchen garden.


Many hands make light work and make things more enjoyable for all.

Please consider helping out where you can this year. In the upcoming weeks, we will distribute a 'menu' outlining our 2024 Social Events. We kindly encourage you to indicate your willingness to assist with any of these events by adding your name to the form and returning it to the office.


Leah Hawker


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