
We are delighted to welcome Ved, a wonderful new addition to our Prep cohort!



This week in Literacy, we've been learning about using the letter 's' at the end of CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words to make them plural. The students have been focusing on decoding these words and practicing reading with partners. In writing, we continued with weekend recounts and writing simple sentences. For reading, we emphasized comprehension and creativity. We read "Knuffle Bunny" and "The Pigeon Finds a Hotdog" and discussed the main characters. The students then got creative, coming up with their own titles like "The Pigeon Finds..."


In Numeracy, we've been refreshing our knowledge of addition before we start exploring subtraction next week. Students used concrete materials to work with partners, enhancing their understanding of addition.


Students brought home the Week 2 homework menu on Monday, along with a new writing book to complete their homework in. Please ensure students bring this back the following Monday.



  •  Monday, 29th July: Mini Olympics at BHNPS. Dress up in the country your class is representing.   Prep A: New Zealand  and   Prep B: Japan
  • Wednesday, 31st July: 100 Days of Prep. Dress up as 100-year-olds and bring a plate of food to share.
  • Friday, 2nd August: Mini Olympics Closing Ceremony. Dress up in green and gold.

We are excited about the upcoming events and look forward to seeing everyone's creativity and participation!


Warm regards,

Prep Team