Important Dates

Add these to your calendar! 

Remember to like & follow us on Facebook  


Please ensure that all student absences are reported to the school office prior to 9am on the day they are absent. 


This can be done by:


Please note second-hand uniform can be purchased from the office for $5 a piece. Thank you to the families that have been so kind with donations this year! 


18 July - State Cross Country
19 July - Bulldogs Read Excursion
22 July - Kinder visit to Prep - Paula Dekok/Jordan Smith
23 July - Kinder visit to Prep - Ela Bourke-Finn/Sarah Tuddenham

24 July - Kinder visit to Prep - Lauren Riordan

              - 5/6 Debating team

25 July - Young Authors Program meeting 3.45pm

              - Kinder visit to Prep - Ela Bourke-Finn/Sarah Tuddenham

26 July - School Disco 

              - Prep-Gr 2 - 4pm - 5pm

              - Gr 3 - Gr 6 - 5.15pm - 6.15pm

31 July - Prep Wildlife Park

              - Japan trip meeting - 6pm


 2 August - Division Lawn Bowls

                        - Principal's Day

 7 August  - Prep 100 Days of School

                        - Autism Network Meeting - 5.00pm

 8 August  - Young Authors Program - Workshop 2
 9 August  - Division Basketball
16 August - National Day of Action Against Bullying
22 August - Scotsburn Father's Day Stall
23 August - Fathers Day Stall 9am - 11am

28 August - Concert 

                     - Full dress rehearsal 

29 August - Concert 

                    - Matinee

                    - Evening Performance

30 August - Concert 

                    - Evening Performance - (No School during the day)


 2 September  - Prep and Year 1 swimming

                           - Scotsburn Swimming

                           - Showcase Day for the Victorian Kids in Space Project (TBC)

 3 September  - Prep and Year 1 swimming

                            - Scotsburn Swimming

                            - Showcase Day for the Victorian Kids in Space Project (TBC)

 4 September - Prep and Year 1 swimming

                           - Scotsburn Swimming

                           - Regional lawn bowls

 5 September - Prep and Year 1 swimming

                           - Scotsburn Swimming

                           - Young Authors Program - Workshop 3

 6 September - Prep and Year 1 swimming

                           - Scotsburn Swimming

12 September - Division Athletics

                            - RU OK Day

13 September - Grade 3/4 Celebration Feast
16 September - Year 2 and Year 3 swimming
17 September - Year 2 and Year 3 swimming

18 September - Year 2 and Year 3 swimming

                            - Celebration of Learning night

19 September - Year 2 and Year 3 swimming

20 September - Year 2 and Year 3 swimming

                            - Footy Colours Day

                            - Sausage sizzle

Term 3 Family Event Calendar


19th July - Whole School Assembly

26th July - 5/6 Assembly

                  - Scotsburn Assembly

 2 August - 3/4 Assembly

 9 August - Prep - 2 Assembly 

                   - Scotsburn Assembly

16 August - Whole School Assembly

23 August - 5/6 Assembly

                    - Scotsburn Assembly

 6 September - 3/4 Assembly

13 September - Prep - 2 Assembly 

                            - Scotsburn Assembly

20 September - Whole School Assembly

Term Dates

Term 3, 202415 July - 20 September
Term 4, 20247 October - 20 December