Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients

Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.

  • Collaboration
  • Curiosity
  • Creativity
  • Reflection
  • Motivation
  • Resilience

On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.


We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.



Term 2, Week 11



Well done Gabriel for your motivation during our Writing lessons last week. You included very detailed drawings, displayed your ability to be a careful colourer and wrote facts about your chosen animal for your information report. You set a great example for high quality work! Well done, I'm very proud of you. 



For being a reflective learner who is drawing detailed pictures to show his ideas and  thinking about letter-sounds to begin his writing.  Suveer is thinking about how he can ‘invest’ in his learning by adding detail, labels and title independently.  Well done for believing in yourself and challenging yourself Suveer. 



Chloe, your motivation and enthusiasm towards every subject at school all year has been outstanding. You approach every lesson with curiosity and a positive attitude, always eager to learn and improve. Your hard work and determination have not gone unnoticed. You always work efficiently, taking the time to complete your tasks thoroughly. You have done this consistently all year, demonstrating your commitment to excellence. Keep up the fantastic effort and continue to shine in all that you do!



For being a resilient learner who is determined and never gives up when faced with challenges.  I admire how you are always solution focused and are flexible when things don’t work out how you had planned.  We are lucky to have such a positive and enthusiastic learner in our class to be a role model for others. Thank you, Ila! 



For being a motivated learner during writing this week. 


You have taken the initiative to improve your writing this week. You have done your best and that little bit more and we are so proud of how hard you have worked. Well Done Adhyan.



For being a collaborative learner during inquiry last week! Vabietha used his collaboration skills to begin creating a fantastic diorama on his endangered animal - a Hawksbill Turtle. It was wonderful to watch him engage with the task and give his classmates encouragement and feedback. I can't wait to see your finished product! Well done!



For being a motivated and resilient learner in Inquiry last week. Even though your partner was absent, you were motivated to create an accurate and detailed diorama of a Blue Whales habitat. You always put effort into your learning and are such a kind and friendly member of our class. Well done Ricky!



For being a resilient learner, who demonstrates a positive attitude to learning. Lasya, you always try your best and bounce back when faced with challenges. You look for new strategies to try and seek support from peers and the teacher when necessary.



For being a motivated learner, who engaged during discussion and inquiry at the zoo. You demonstrated excitement and curiosity through your questions about all the animal skulls. Never stop asking questions! Your inquisitive mind is a valuable asset, and your willingness to explore helps all of us learn more. 



For being a motivated learner in Writing. You returned from your holiday, determined to complete your information report about the ‘Lion’s Mane Jellyfish’. You used your time effectively to finish your research, and wrote a detailed and informative report. You should be proud of how you have been driving your learning this semester! 



For being a reflective learner.  You work hard and are interested in getting feedback from your classmates during our “Spot the mistake” sessions to improve your outcomes.  An example of this is when you asked for help editing your narrative called “The Birthday Party.  You are also effective at giving feedback to your peers.  Thanks for your hard work in this space Aarav!

Term 3, Week 1



You are receiving this award for your motivation during our Literacy teacher groups last week. It is wonderful to see your dedication in how hard you are working on your goal of sounding out letters and blending them together to help you read words. Keep on being a superstar reader! 



For being a resilient learner this week, particularly in Literacy.  She is beginning to develop confidence as a writer and is taking learning risks by recording each sound she hears in words.  In reading she is sounding out words using her letter sound knowledge. Well done, Heidi!



You have demonstrated incredible motivation towards your writing tasks, especially when writing your procedure text about fluffy paint. You managed to include a title and the equipment you needed. Your determination and focus have helped you accomplish your goals and set a great example for your classmates. Keep up the fantastic work, Samar! 



This week Sarah showed the skills of a collaborative learner. Her commitment to making our classroom a safe space for learning and mistakes was seen in her interactions with others. Sarah encouraged others, listened to what they had to say and included them in group learnings. Thank you for your positive attitude and big smile everyday Sarah, we are so lucky to have you in our class Sarah. 



For being a resilient learner in the classroom! You are consistently trying your very best across all learning areas. You try your best and don't give up when faced with challenges. In writing your procedure about fairy bread you were focussed and wrote a very accurate text. Well done Dhruv!



For being a motivated and driven learner in the classroom last week! Ronicca completed all tasks to a high standard and demonstrated a drive for engagement by asking for feedback! Well done superstar!



For being a creative learner in Mathematics last week. Tracy is focused and committed to learning new strategies and shares her knowledge with the class during whole-class discussions. Keep up the great work Tracy, you are such a positive role model in our class! Well done. 



Congratulations, Araina! You have shown incredible resilience by implementing effective strategies to overcome challenges and striving to maintain a positive attitude. Your determination and positive outlook inspire us all!



For being a creative learner, you demonstrated this last week during our poetry unit and wrote a personal “I am … Poem”. Your passion for writing and exploring different poems has been evident in your completed tasks. Keep up the good work and enthusiasm, Tahan. 



For being a creative learner, who is always looking for a unique way to present your learning! You demonstrated this during our poetry unit last week, creating a thoughtful and reflective I am poem. Keep up this incredible drive to learn and explore your passions, Lucas, it will help you be successful in whatever you wish to do in the future!



You are getting this award for being a motivated learner, who drives herself to succeed.  You are focused and committed to doing your best and a little bit more.  This was evident in the way you prepared and presented your Learning Slideshow for your Family Conversation.  It was so impressive to see the results you achieved and the pride you took in your learning!  Great effort Nainika!

Art (Jan Maree)














Fabian 5/6S

For successfully following the instructions to complete a creative abstract artwork.  You demonstrated an understanding of the task and the key features that were required.  You were focused and engaged which led to creating an exciting piece of work.


For being a reflective learner who sought feedback on ways to enhance his artwork.  Then took action to make the suggested improvements and additions.  This lead to the completion of a successful piece of art.