Head of Students News
Mr Peter Serone
Head of Students News
Mr Peter Serone
Next Thursday 18 July, Mr Paul Dillon will be presenting to our Years 10, 11 and 12 students. The program begins in Year 10 and continues through to Year 12. Topics for each presentation are:
Year 10 – Young people, alcohol, and risk-taking: looking after your mates
This introductory session focuses on alcohol and attempts to debunk some of the myths in this area, particularly around how to look after someone who has drunk too much. Simple strategies to keep themselves and their friends safer when they are socialising will be provided to the students. Using the latest prevalence data, ‘positive norms’ will be promoted, i.e., the majority of Year 10s do not use drugs. Information will also be provided on e-cigarettes and vaping. Finally, using real-life stories, basic life skills on how to deal with alcohol-related emergencies will be discussed, including knowing when to call an ambulance.
Year 11 – Alcohol and Cannabis: what do you and your friends need to know?
This presentation reviews and builds upon the practical strategies introduced in the Year 10 session. Information on cannabis will be provided, once again focusing on ‘positive norms’ i.e., most young people do not use the drug and fewer teens are using it than in the past. Potential cannabis-related harms, with an emphasis on mental health will be discussed, as well as some of the possible warning signs that could indicate a person may be experiencing problems with their cannabis use. An update on vaping and e-cigarettes will also be provided. Finally, the impact of alcohol on the adolescent brain will be discussed, highlighting the potential risks of drinking during the teen years.
Year 12 – What do I need to know about alcohol and other drugs?
By the final year of school, many students will either be driving or about to get their licence. To ensure these young drivers are as prepared as possible, information about drink driving and the process of random breath testing (RBT), as well as roadside (RDT) or mobile drug testing (MDT) will be provided. Depending on the group, information about ecstasy/MDMA and psychedelics will also be discussed, including the implications of being caught with an illicit substance in your possession. Finally, the importance of seeking help as quickly as possible should something go wrong will also be reiterated.
Paul has been working in the area of drug education for almost 30 years. Through his business, Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia, he regularly gives updates on current trends. Paul has worked with many school communities to ensure they have access to good quality information and best practice drug education.
An ex-school teacher, Paul has an interest in working with young people, and regularly provides drug information sessions and workshops to students across the country.
The College calendar shows a parent presentation, however, due to unforeseen circumstances, this will no longer go ahead. A parent presentation will be included in the 2025 program.
Thank you for supporting the College by using the Parent Lounge to record all day absences, early departures and late arrivals.
For students in Years 7 to 12 who are arriving late to school, they are required to sign in at Student Admin before going to class. Please ensure the absence notification has been logged in the Parent Lounge.
For students in Years 7 to 12 who are departing the College throughout the day, students must sign out before departing. If you would like to collect your son, please meet him at Tower Reception.