School Notices

Derby Colours Day
To celebrate the Derby, this Friday students are invited to wear Fremantle Dockers or West Coast Eagles accessories/items in their teams colours over the top of their school uniform. This is a optional, free dress up event.
Languages Week
Green and Gold Day
NRL WA Dolphins Development Gala Day
Our Year 5 and 6 students will be taking part in the NRL Gala Day on Wednesday 31 July. Please refer to email sent on Monday 22 July.
Science Week
Personal Devices
A friendly reminder that if students bring personal devices i.e non school iPads or mobile phones to school that they must be dropped of to the Administration Office in the morning and collected at the end of the school day. These items are not to be kept in student's school bags.
Change of Address or Personal Information
The school requires the most up to date information for parents and caregivers. If you have changed addresses, mobile numbers or email addresses we do require this information to be updated in writing. This can be done via email to
School Carpark
Parent and caregiver parking is available in the bays marked with white lines. We ask that the bays marked with yellow lines and the bays at the end of the Administration block to be used by staff members only.
Kindy 2025 Enrolments
Enrolment interviews for Kindergarten in 2025 are continuing to take place.
Families with siblings born between July 2020 and June 2021 seeking a place in our Kindergarten next year at St Helena's are asked to contact Admin on or 9297 7500 to receive an application pack.
We don't want you to miss out!
Premier's Reading Challenge
The Premier's Reading Challenge has launched! Students from Pre-K to Year Six are encouraged to sign up for the challenge. Contenders need to simply log each book they read between 6 May to 6 September to be eligible to be in the running for prizes and awards. If you are having difficulty logging books or signing up please speak to Mrs Rocca in the Library (Tuesdays and Thursday) or Miss Myles who are happy to help!
110 Winners are drawn each week, with every book logged being an entry so get reading!
Running Club
From Week 3 in preparation for our upcoming Athletics Carnival, Wednesday morning training will now cover events that students will take part in.
Upcoming Events
To keep up to date with school events please refer to the school calendar. This is in a new location on our school website to make it more accessible and can be located here.