Religious Education & Faith Life

St Ignatius of Loyola
Next Wednesday 31st of July is St. Ignatius of Loyola's feast day. St. Ignatius of Loyola lived a long, long time ago and was a man full of bravery and adventure. He is well-known for having started the group called the Jesuits who are dedicated to helping others and teaching about God.
Ignatius was born in 1491 in Spain. His real name was Iñigo López de Loyola. He was the thirteenth child born to noble parents. Stories about brave heroes helped set his dream in his heart to become a knight when he was young.
At the age of 30, Ignatius enlisted in defense of his home country. He was tremendously valiant but became very badly injured during the battle—his leg was shattered by a cannonball. During his recovery, he had a lot of time for reflection. Through this reflection, he became profoundly enthralled by the life of Jesus and the lives of the saints.
Due to this, Ignatius turned over his old self to Jesus. He began a long journey, known as a pilgrimage, to Jerusalem, a holy city. Ignatius knew so little about God, he did what few men of his age would do: he returned to school. He studied diligently and soon he started teaching others about Jesus.
He gathered companions who were ready to help him spread God's message to all nations. As a group, they initiated a society called the Society of Jesus, otherwise known as the Jesuits. Basically, the Jesuits went all around the world teaching the people about God, serving those in need, building schools, and hospitals.
Ignatius wrote a book of Spiritual Exercises that helps people draw closer to God. Even today, the Jesuits are still a group of men, carrying on his work with schools and helping people in need all over the world. We remember St. Ignatius each year on the July 31st. He's a special example of how someone can change their life for the better and help others. Last term, our school community came together to share a liturgy celebrating St. Ignatius.
St. Ignatius of Loyola teaches that there is a new way, filled with meaning, even when everything does not go according to plan. His life teaches us the lessons of bravery, learning, and serving others. His example shows how each one of us can make a difference in this world. The life of St. Ignatius of Loyola proves that the world would be better if we, like him, show a little courage and faith.