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Emily-Grace Hamer- Year 4 Geckoes
Emily-Grace Hamer from Year 4 Geckoes spends most weekends at the local go kart tracks in Perth practicing or racing.
Last weekend, Emily-Grace had 2 race meetings back to back on Saturday and Sunday where both days she managed to finish on the podium a 2nd place and 3rd place.
This is a massive achievement for Emily-Grace has she has only been racing since the beginning of this year. Emily is currently in a State series championship where she races all over WA as far as Esperance, Kalgoorlie, Albany and Geraldton.
She is currently 2nd in the ladies championship with 2 more rounds to complete before the end of the year. Emily-Grace is one of the youngest competitors in the ladies championships. Congratulations Emily-Grace on your achievement and good luck on the next 2 rounds!
If your child has recently made a personal achievement that you would like to share with our School community, please send information and a photo where possible, through to the Administration Office via email on
Include as much information as possible, as well as:
- Student's first name.
- Year group
- Photo (highest resolution possible and sent as an attachment)