
Next week our children from Foundation to Year 6 will partake in sessions learning about Cyber Safety with Stephanie Ward. Children have access to various media platforms that can influence their thoughts, beliefs and behaviour. For further information please refer to the flyer attached.
This week’s SchoolTV Topic has been specifically selected to help inform and support our families and school community.
“What kids do and post online, the sites they visit and the things they say is permanent. This digital footprint denotes their digital reputation and there’s nothing to stop someone from saving and storing that information about your child.”
Dr Michael Carr-Gregg
This week’s SchoolTV topic is Social Media & Digital Reputation
Please click the TV image below
WEEK 4 - Social Media & Digital Reputation
WEEK 3 - Body Image
WEEK 2 - Grief & Loss
WEEK 1 -
13 11 44
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Julie Leonard - Wellbeing Leader/Religious Education Leader