Our Staff

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” (William Butler Yeats)

25km Alpine Challenge

Our staff were cheering on fellow staff member Mel Janson who participated in the 25km Alpine Challenge on Saturday.  Staff have been following Mel's training progress and were proud of Mel completing the 25 km out-and-back loop course that runs from Slalom Plaza along Heathy Spur to the junction of Big River Fire Trail and to Fitzgerald and Kellys Huts. 


Fortunately for competitors, the predicted thunderstorms and lighting held off for most of the race. 

IT Guru #2

It's about time we introduce our (self-described) IT guru #2 Aaron!


Aaron, who is either a) whistling happily or b) laughing and having a joke with us, works hard behind the scenes keeping us all connected.  


If you have a new laptop or need help with getting your laptop to print here at school - Aaron is the one to sort it out.


Thank you for your work Aaron!