Around the School

Religious Education News

Advent Assemblies

Last Friday we were led in prayer for our first Advent Assembly by our year 5/6 classes. All are welcome to attend and our next three assemblies will take place at the following times on the turf. (weather permitting):

  • Advent Assembly #2, led by years 3/4 on Friday 8th December@1:40pm,
  • Advent Assembly #3, led by years 1/2 on Monday 11th December@2:40pm
  • Advent Assembly #4 led by years F/1 on Friday 15th December, followed by a Nativity prayer, also led by our F/1 students. This Advent Assembly will follow our St Joseph’s Cup Assembly, which will commence at 9:15am.


Advent Family Activity

This year for our Family Advent Activity we would like to gather toiletries/personal hygiene items which will be distributed by our local St Vincent de Paul Society. The date of this activity is Friday 8th December, and when we all come together we ask that each family brings a shoe box and their purchased items. We will cover the shoe boxes and lids with Christmas wrapping paper. If anyone is able to purchase a few extra items, these can be left in the box in the front foyer. I would like to give a big thank you to those who have been able to donate items already. Your efforts are much appreciated.

We can provide some wrapping paper and tape, but you are welcome to bring some if you wish. The timetable for events on the day is as follows:

  • We will be having an early lunch on the day at 12:40pm. 
  • Lunch time will finish at 1:30pm.
  • We will gather as a school community on the turf (weather permitting) to commence our Advent Assembly #2 at 1:40pm. This will be led by our year 3/4 classes.
  • We will then gather in classrooms in our family groups to complete our Advent Family Activity. There will be lists up around the school to let you know which room your family will be in.



End-of-Year Thanksgiving Mass and Year 6 Graduation Ceremony

Our End-of-Year Thanksgiving Mass will take place on Tuesday 12th December @ 6:00pm in St Patrick’s Cathedral. All families and friends are invited to take part in this celebration of the school year. Following this all are invited to move into the St Patrick’s Cathedral large Hall to partake in the Graduation Ceremony of our current Year 6 Cohort. We also bid farewell to any families who will be leaving our school, whether their youngest child is transitioning to secondary school next year, or the family is moving.

Lastly, all are invited to share a cuppa in the Glowrey/MacKillop rooms. Traditionally, the parents of our Year 5 families coordinate to provide a plate and serve supper afterwards. If anyone needs access to the Halls after school before Mass, I will be getting a key during the day, so please let me know.




A Taste of Indonesia!

Indonesian fashion show!


This term, our Junior students are enjoying learning about traditional clothing that is worn in Indonesia as well as some Indonesian vocabulary for descriptions of clothing, like…

I am wearing = Saya pakaian You are wearing = Kamu pakaian

Students are also getting the opportunity to try on a traditional Indonesian outfit! They looked wonderful in the vibrant colours and patterns!






Omika and Peter from F/1 F.






from F/1 H









Harlow from 1/2B













Zoey and Daniel from 1/2 L















Christmas Raffle Donations

Thank you to all of our families and businesses who donated prizes for our Christmas raffle and Congratulations to all of the winners!!











Thank you to everyone who helped bring our Carols on the Turf together!





Missing Jumper

Could everyone check their Child's woolen jumper? Bryce Scott's  (size 12?) jumper went missing from the playground sometime in the last few weeks. It is clearly labelled with his name and can be returned either to Ms Johnson's classroom or the office.

Thank you.