Curriculum- Teaching and Learning

School Wide Teaching and Learning
In each edition of our school newsletter, we share with our community an insight into the curriculum being taught within our classrooms. This reflects our school's strong focus upon continuous improvement.
Each edition covers a different area of the curriculum, and is supported by our school-wide approaches to teaching and learning.
In this edition we provide you with an overview of learnings across the last fortnight within our classrooms.
What is The Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) Approach And How To Use it in Primary Maths
At schools across Victoria, we utilize the CPA approach to help students with their mathematical understanding. The following is a summary of what this actually means in a classroom:
The Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach is a system of learning that uses physical and visual aids to build a child’s understanding of abstract topics.
Pupils are introduced to a new mathematical concept through the use of concrete resources (e.g. fruit, unifix blocks etc). When they are comfortable solving problems with physical aids, they are given problems with pictures – usually pictorial representations of the concrete objects they were using.
Then they are asked to solve problems where they only have the abstract i.e. numbers or other symbols. Building these steps across a lesson can help pupils better understand the relationship between numbers and the real world, and therefore helps secure their understanding of the mathematical concept they are learning.
Why use the Concrete Pictorial Abstract approach in Maths?
Pupils achieve a much deeper understanding if they don’t have to resort to rote learning and are able to solve problems without having to memorise.
When teaching reading to young children, we accept that children need to have seen what the word is to understand it. Putting together the letters c- a- t would be meaningless and abstract if children had no idea what a cat was or had never seen a picture.
People often don’t think of this when it comes to maths, but to children many mathematical concepts can be equally meaningless without a concrete resource or picture to go with it.
For more information on CPA visit this parent-friendly resource which is written in plain-English:
Talk Moves- our agreed conversational norms for classroom talk
At Upwey South Primary School, part of our teaching and learning curriculum involves 'conversational norms'.
Conversational norms are the agreed ways we communicate during classroom and/or group settings.
The purpose of establishing conversational norms is for speakers to be able to contribute without interruption, and for all views to be respectfully supported and/or challenged.
Please click on the links below to see our talk moves in action, which are based upon Auslan.
I agree. I connect with your thinking and/or behaviour.
I understand.
I understand and have one idea, statement or comment.
I understand and have two ideas,statements or comments.
I don't understand and need some assistance. (Help)
I respectfully disagree.
I am choosing to ignore your behaviour.
Extra-Curricular Opportunities Beyond the Traditional Classroom
As part of our School Strategic Plan (2022-2026) we have a focus upon creating even stronger Student Voice, Agency, and Engagement; alongside the continuous improvement of our traditional/core curriculum.
Please be aware that the extra-curricular opportunities referenced in this post are beyond existing opportunities, such as the Victorian State Schools Spectacular (VSSS), John Monash Science School (JMSS), school choirs, interschool sport, arts initiatives, and other opportunities which have been previously communicated throughout this term.
School-wide Specialist Agency and Engagement Sessions
As part of our specialist programming, our specialist team have timetabled sessions to further engage students beyond the traditional classroom.
These Specialist Agency and Engagement sessions will occur during class-time, therefore it is important to be aware that participating students will step out of their normal classroom routine. This time out of class will vary dependent upon the year level and specialist area, with details referenced below.
The following sessions are available for the remainder of Term One, and throughout Term Two:
Cross Country- Training and Technique When: Session 6 Thursdays (outside of assembly weeks)
Target Student Audience: Yr 3-6 students aiming to progress beyond District level. Teacher: Mr Justin Scicluna
Description: The purpose of this program is to enhance students’ level of running competency, increase their distance running, focus upon race tactics and techniques, and to improve overall running endurance. Students will take part in small groups based upon competitive age-levels. This session is in addition to our Friday morning Running Club which is open to all year levels.
Getting Real with Robotics
When: Session 5 Mondays
Target Student Audience: x2 Year Five/Six student mentors and x4 Year Two students (fortnightly changeover of students)
Teacher: Ms Hayley Oliver
Description: During this session students will explore the world of coding and robotics beyond their in-class opportunities, using a combination of BeeBots, DashBots and EV3s. Students will learn how to program different types of robots to undertake a variety of levelled challenges.
Victorian Robocup League Tournament
When: Session 5 Fridays
Target Student Audience: x4 JMSS Robogals mentors, x 4 Year Five/Six students (fortnightly changeover of Year Five/Six students)
Teacher: Ms Hayley Oliver
Description: This session will build upon the skills developed from the JMSS Robogals enrichment program. The four JMSS mentors will lead a team to enter the RoboCup League Tournament which is scheduled to be held in August (dates TBC).
Make Your Mark with Community Art
When: Session 6 Thursdays
Target Student Audience: Visual Art Leaders and interested students (F-6) via application Teacher: Mrs Danielle Haines
Description: This session is an opportunity to participate in a permanent artwork for our school. Anyone with a passion for art, no matter your skill level or year level, is welcome to apply to take part. We will begin with our Visual Art Leaders creating a conceptual design for an eye-catching signpost to help guide visitors around our school. Once we have a design, we will then involve interested students in the creation. Details of how to apply will be shared with students during Visual Art classes.
Community Auslan Engagement- Peer Teaching
When: Session 6 Thursdays
Target Student Audience: Auslan Leaders, x4 Year Six students, x4 Foundation-Year One students (three-week rotational cycle)
Teacher: Mrs Amanda Oakley
Description: This session is an opportunity for our Auslan Leaders and our Foundation-Year one students to have a go at being the teacher, as they teach our senior students Auslan. Each week we will focus upon different signs and groups of signs, with the senior students supporting our junior students to produce video content for each newsletter. The video content will feature students communicating with our new signs and be placed into the Auslan section of each newsletter. Our first cycle of signs will include our new Talk Moves.
Note: students involved in this program will require parent permission to have their video content published in the newsletter. Required permission will be communicated by Mrs Oakley as relevant for each student group.Should you have any questions regarding the above programs, please make contact with the listed staff member.
2023 Specialist Programming
Please refer to the below information, which provides you with an overview of our specialist programming for 2023.
Foundation Specialist Programming
In 2023, all Foundation students will take part in the following specialist programs, with the following teachers:
- Health and Physical Education- Mr Justin Scicluna
- Visual Arts- Mrs Danielle Haines
- Performing Arts- Ms Penelope Lang
- Auslan (Languages Other Than English)- Mrs Amanda Oakley
- Perceptual Motor Program- Mr Justin Scicluna
All of the above specialist programs will be 50 minutes duration, and will be held on a weekly basis throughout the school year.
Year One Specialist Programming
In 2023, all Year One students will take part in the following specialist programs, with the following teachers:
- Health and Physical Education - Mr Justin Scicluna
- Visual Arts - Mrs Danielle Haines
- Performing Arts - Ms Penelope Lang
- Auslan (Languages Other Than English) - Mrs Amanda Oakley
- Berry Street Education - Ms Penelope Lang
All of the above specialist programs will be 50 minutes duration, and will be held on a weekly basis throughout the school year.
Berry Street Education (as we will refer to this subject area with our junior students) is a new specialist program being introduced in 2023. This subject involves students learning about Bodies, Brains, and Emotional Regulation (Life Science).In 2023, all Year One students will take part in the following specialist programs, with the following teachers:
- Health and Physical Education - Mr Justin Scicluna
- Visual Arts - Mrs Danielle Haines
- Performing Arts - Ms Penelope Lang
- AUSLAN (Languages Other Than English) - Mrs Amanda Oakley
- Berry Street Education - Ms Penelope Lang
All of the above specialist programs will be 50 minutes duration, and will be held on a weekly basis throughout the school year.
Berry Street Education (as we will refer to this subject area with our junior students) is a new specialist program being introduced in 2023. This subject involves students learning about Bodies, Brains, and Emotional Regulation (Life Science).
Year Two Specialist Programming
In 2023, all Year Two students will take part in the following specialist programs, with the following teachers:
- Health and Physical Education - Mr Justin Scicluna
- Visual Arts - Mrs Danielle Haines
- Performing Arts - Ms Penelope Lang
- Auslan (Languages Other Than English)- Ms Shar Stjerne
- Berry Street Education - Ms Penelope Lang
All of the above specialist programs will be 50 minutes duration, and will be held on a weekly basis throughout the school year.
Year Three/Four Specialist Programming
In 2023, all Year Three/Four students will take part in the following specialist programs, with the following teachers:
- Health and Physical Education- Mr Justin Scicluna
- Visual Arts- Mrs Danielle Haines
- Performing Arts- Ms Penelope Lang
- Auslan (Languages Other Than English)- Ms Shar Stjerne
- Science, Technology and Engineering- Ms Hayley Oliver
All of the above specialist programs will be 50 minutes duration, and will be held on a weekly basis throughout the school year.
Year Five/Six Specialist Programming
In 2023, all Year Five/Six students will take part in the following specialist programs, with the following teachers:
- Health and Physical Education- Mr Justin Scicluna
- Visual Arts- Mrs Danielle Haines
- Performing Arts- Ms Penelope Lang
- Auslan (Languages Other Than English)- Ms Shar Stjerne
- Science, Technology and Engineering- Ms Hayley Oliver
All of the above specialist programs will be 50 minutes duration, and will be held on a weekly basis throughout the school year.
Year Five/Six Subject Selection
In 2023, students across our three Year Five/Six classes will have the opportunity to self-select their subjects within the following disciplines:
- History and Geography
- Health and Physical Education
Within the above disciplines, students will be learning and collaborating beyond their home classes (eg: mixed across the three Year Five/Six classes) based upon subject selection. A detailed overview of this initiative will be provided to students and families in early Term One, 2023; with the program to commence in mid-Term One, 2023.
Year Three- Year Six Student Agency Electives
In 2023, all students in Year Three-Six will have the opportunity to take part in Student Agency Electives each Friday between 2:30pm-3:30pm. These electives are on offer to all six classes across both Year Three/Four and Year Five/Six.In early 2023, students will be provided with the opportunity to select subject preferences from between 12-14 subject areas, with each elective subject running for the duration of one semester. This variety of elective subjects is possible through the timetabling of existing specialist staff and partnerships with community agencies.
We are very excited about the learning opportunities presented through our Student Agency Electives initiative, which came as a recommendation from our recent school review. A detailed overview of this initiative will be provided to students and families in early Term One, 2023; with the program to commence in mid-Term One, 2023.
Teaching and Learning Programs across USPS are delivered through direct-explicit instruction, and are facilitated through our school-wide instructional model, the Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR).
The academic curriculum is supported by a strong social-emotional learning culture, which is based upon the BSEM and SWPBL.