Performing Arts

Communicating with the Specialist Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2023, and welcome your input:
Penelope Lang (Performing Arts)
Christmas Concert
What a sensational night we had with our whole school 'Carols on the Concrete', The Electric Lyrebirds performance and Art Show. You should be so incredibly proud of your children for their confident, polished and entertaining performances. Thank you to those of you who took the time to chat to me in the school yard before and after school or send me an email to express your gratitude. The Arts has a powerful ability to bring people together and that was truly felt that evening. Thank you for making our community spirit come alive. Of course, I am always looking for ways to improve; I like to reflect and refine things. I spent some time surveying your children using an WWWEBI (what went well? even better if...) and we engaged in lots of conversation about why certain things did or did not happen. Here are some of their reflections:
What Went Well:
"We loved the staff song. Mr Kitch was so funny" (* Mr Kitch totally improvised that. I can confirm they were NOT his lines)
"The Electric Lyrebirds were amazing"
"Everyone got dressed up"
"The Roman Reporter was so funny"
"The buddy song was the best"
"Can we do the 12 days of school every year?"
"The raffle was so good"
"The audience was very calm and respectful"
"My favourite song was Ring the Bells"
"Harley stabbing the book box was very funny"
Even Better If:
"Santa turned up and gave us icy poles"
"The power didn't go out"
"We had better seats as we could not see"
"The orchestra played songs all through the show and we sang to them"
"The parents did the Nutbush and sang with us"
"The 5/6s didn't always have to go last"
"We had food trucks and sat on the oval for the concert"
"Can we sit on chairs next year?"
"There should have been Christmas lights on the stage"
"You needed a backstage crew to help you move everything"
"The show went for longer and we did two finale songs"
Thanks to Mrs Oakley for the photographs below, and check out your child's class page for more magic moments.
Year 6 Graduation
I cannot quite believe it is that time of the year again when we say goodbye to our amazing Year 6 students. One of the privileges we have as specialist teachers is that we get to teach your amazing children all the way through their primary education….each week….every year from prep to year 6. I think that’s approximately…280 lessons (maybe a few more if we add in a couple of productions). I always find these goodbyes a little emotional. The graduation ceremony last week was amazing and I was so proud listening to the heartfelt speeches written by our students. I have included a copy of my speeches from the evening so we can all celebrate Shakked and Angus for their achievements in Performing Arts. Good bye and good luck to all of our Year 6s.
Performing Arts Award 2023
“The Performing Arts Award for 2023 is being awarded to Shakked.
I first met Shakked when she arrived at our school as an inquisitive and determined Grade 2 student, having arrived with her family from Israel. I was lucky enough to be Shakked’s Performing Arts teacher as well as her classroom teacher every Friday. They were fun Fridays.
Shakked not only had to get used to her new life ‘Down Under’ but also had to deal with the frustration of having so much to say and write but not always being able to find the exact words in English. Perhaps that’s where the arts helped Shakked to tell her story. To connect with people. To express herself.
Shakked loves to sing, dance and act and the arts hold a very important place in her life. She has performed in the VSSS, sung at Hamer Hall, participated in our instrumental program, took on a lead role in our school production and has been our 2023 Performing Arts Captain.
Shakked, it has been a joy to watch you grow in confidence and self-belief. Keep being brave, and I hope you continue to fill your life with all things creative.”
Special Acknowledgement Award
“I would like to give a special mention to Angus F
I just wanted to say a BIG thank you and a BIG congratulations to Angus for his incredible contribution to our first ever school Rock Band, ‘The Electric Lyrebirds’
YES…sadly the band has split up (now that you’re leaving us) but you will always be known as the OG drummer of the OG band.
You are SO TALENTED….thanks for sharing that with all of us.
Please keep drumming….show the world what you can do!”
Aus Music T-shirt Day
I am very excited to announce that our school raised $338.35 for the charity Support Act on Aus Music T-shirt day. Thank you so much to everyone who got behind this great charity. It was so fun chatting to everyone about their band t-shirts. Bec Shand, is the 'Partnerships Manager' for fundraising at Support Act and she had this to say:
"Oh wow! That's amazing! Thank you so much. I'd love to hear what you guys did at USPS. We often hear that it's tricky for schools to raise money for us but you've clearly blown that myth up! Massive kudos to you. Thanks again for your support Penny... We're really thrilled with your & the school's efforts!"
VSSS 2024
I am excited to announce that we have been accepted into the Victorian State Schools Spectacular mass dance ensemble for 2024. Next year will be our 10th year!!! Details on how to apply for a position (we have 16 spots available to us) will be provided when we return to school next year. We will not be participating in VSSS choir in 2024.
In the Performing Arts room:
All students worked very hard over the last few weeks to add the finishing touches to their songs and dances in preparation for our whole school Christmas concert. We combined some specialist lessons so that all year levels could finally see their songs and dances come together with the other classes in their year level. It can be very challenging to 'imagine' that there are another 4 lines in a dance routine. I was particularly impressed with our Year 1 conga line, especially when 1A had to move to the right whilst 1B moved to the left. The Foundation students met up with their buddies as we rehearsed their Rudolph song and dance. This was very entertaining on the night and definitely got one of the biggest cheers from the audience. We spent several hours rehearsing outside on the stage and became more familiar with the performing space. This was very exciting, especially when we had our first 'audience' when parents arrived for school pick up at 3.00pm as we were still practising.
A major highlight was visiting our friendly neighbours at 3MDR who helped us record the student's voices so they could be heard on the night of the concert. The students had a lot of fun (pretending to be rock stars) and I am sure they will remember this for quite some time.
Some classes finished watching the acts submitted to Upwey South's Got Talent. The votes have all been counted now and the winner will be announced at the final assembly. We have played some fun acting improvisation games to finish off the term and watched a beautiful story called 'The Christmas Kangaroo' by Indigenous artist, Blak Douglas who reflected on his childhood Christmas and a chance encounter with a white Kangaroo. His message was, let's be kind to each other and just 'hop as a mob' in peace and harmony. I couldn't agree more.
I wish you all a safe, happy and harmonious holiday and I look forward to seeing you all in 2024 for more, more, more!!!