Year Five/ Six

Communicating with the Year Five/Six Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2023, and welcome your input:
Llewela Humphries (Class 56A)
Melissa Woollard (Class 56B)
Stacey Bowles (Class 56C)
What will you find in this issue:
English Overview / Scrapbooking / Graduation/Buddies/End of year celebratio/5-6 Timetables
OUR SUSTAINABLE PLANET - 'A recipe for change - War on Waste’
Key question: Why is it important that we live on our planet in a way that is environmentally sustainable and what can we do as young custodians to safeguard our planet
Major Assessment Task: Students independently create a presentation for a Parents and Friends expo that outlines their ‘Recipe for Change”.
During the term we viewed the ABC War on Waste Season 3, with a focus on Soft Plastic & Recycling / Food Waste / Fashion. Students took notes during the episodes and then made a poster for display which answered the above key question and highlighted what they can do as young custodians of our planet.
EXPO - Reflections and Personal Writing folders
As part of our Writing program in Term Four, each student had to complete seven pieces of writing. Within one week, students had to plan, draft, edit and publish a piece of writing. The Year Five students presented these in their Personal Writing Folders (went home with Portfolios). The Year Six students completed each pieces through the same process and then presented them in a special folder - Reflections folder.
Primary School reflective writing and school photos were presented with the Scrapbooking method, bordering pages, photos and writing. Headings identified the years and important parts of the students schooling life. All of our students writing was presented to parents and special visitors on Wednesday 13th during our open afternoon Expo. Well done to all the students on the hard work put in to these projects. you should be very proud of the work completed.
Art Show & Christmas Concert
On Thursday 7th of December, Upwey South hosted our first Art Show followed by our whole school Christmas Concert. What an amazing night to celebrate our students in the area of Art - Visual and Performing.
It was wonderful walking through the gym, viewing all the magnificent pieces of art from the students in the school. Thanks Mrs Haines for teaching our students some amazing art skills and techniques. In the evening we had our Christmas Concert, from the Electric Lyrebirds to the Junior and Senior choir, class students participated in 1-2 songs performed in their year groups. The Year Five/Six students performed with confidence and delivered 2 fun and enjoyable song. A highlight was the 12 Days of Christmas, where they made up their own lyrics linked to the 3 class teachers. A lot of fun was had by all. Thanks Ms. Lang for all the hard work put in to this event and for the hours of rehearsal for our students.
Big Day Out - End of Year Celebration.
On Friday 8th of December, all Year Five/Six students joined in with our Big Day Out/End of Year Celebration. It started with us travelling down to Boronia to view Trolls 3. The kids behaved beautifully with lovely comments given by the Metro owners. Upon arrival back at school we had a sausage sizzle provided by The Butchers Club - UFTG and the Upwey Bakery. Due to it being very hot and windy we stayed inside and had free time, playing board games and games on their iPads. What a great day out, celebrating the hard work of all the students through 2023.
We would like to continue to acknowledge the support from the below community business which have supported us during our end of year celebrations and Graduation.
On Thursday 14th December, our wonderfully talented Year Six stduents celebrated graduating from Primary School. We meet at 5pm for group photos then into the gym for the celebration ceremony. Students presented their own speech and received a certificate, a group of our students were presented with a selection of awards (see below) and they sung two songs. We moved into the senior gallery for our dinner and the student leaders cut the magnificent Hollywood cake. Following dinner we danced our little hearts out in the gym for our disco. What a GREAT night had by all.
Respect: Fern
Responsibility: Lucy H
Resilience: Amelia
5/6 A - Sarah
5/6 B - Stella
5/6 C - Luca
5/6 A - Lilly G
5/6 B - Jade
5/6 C - Daniel
Bank of Bendigo - Nathan
Performing Arts - Shakked
Visual Arts - Amy
Science - Lola
Physical Education - Lillie D
Auslan - Ryley
Japanese - Archie A
And here are a few photos from during the ceremony. What a wonderful night showcasing the strengths of our Year Six students. They spoke so well and were respectful to each other. Our School Leaders should be mighty proud of how confident they were.
Llew Humphries - Thank you to all the parents and carers who have supported our school through the year. We have many community events that wouldn't come to fruition if it wasn't for the helping hands of our parents. You support your children each and every day. Thank you so much for being patient, being proud and continuing to give your child everything they need emotionally. See you in 2024.
Melissa Woollard - What an amazing year we have had. Thank you to everyone who has contributed - small and large - to make this year what it has been. I could not be more proud of our students and wish them all much happiness and success in their next adventures. Have a safe and merry Christmas and New Year. See you in 2024.
Stacey Bowles - Thank you to everyone who has made this year so memorable and a success. We have had an amazing year in 5/6 and it wouldn't of been possible if not for the continued support from our amazing community. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I look forward to another great year in 2024.