End of Year Items

Learning Folders

It has been a wonderful year of learning.  With many moments of questioning, connecting, researching, observing and stretching knowledge, your child's Learning Journey Folder is brimming with things to share with you.


For children who are moving to Big School in 2024, folders including reports; Blessing Service certificates, photos and prayers from Educators will be ready for collection from the entry as of Monday.  There will also be a small gift for each child that the Lead Educator's will ensure makes it home. We ask that you collect your child's folder prior to Thursday Dec 14 please.


For children continuing in 2024, folders will remain at Curiosity ready to continue the documentation of your child's learning.  Feel free to make time next week to spend some time looking through your child's folder with them.

End of Year Reflections

All End of Year Reflection reports will be uploaded early next week to Storypark and a printed copy filed in your child's Learning Journey folder.

Archiving Storypark

If your child's learning journey at Curiosity is coming to an end, it will be important for you to download your child's Storypark content before December 19th.  As of December 19th, children who are not continuing in 2024 will have their files archived which means they will no longer be available to families via the app.  For instructions on how to do this, please follow the advice on this 'Help' page from Storypark.

Medications and Sunscreen

All medications including sunscreen will be going home on your child's final day so that they can be checked for 'Use by Dates' and then given to school or returned to Curiosity staff in 2024.  A new Risk Minimisation Plan will be entered into next year, so please bring along any new Medication Plans that your child has.

Library Folders

If your child is continuing in 2024, we will hold onto your child's folder and have it labelled ready to go for 2024.  Library folders of children will be sent home as this will then become your child's Communication folder.


Hats that belong to school aged children will be sent home on their final day.  Hats that belong to children continuing with us in 2024 will be laundered and ready to go for them next year.  

Lost or Forgotten Property

A lost property table will be on display next week with items that are not labelled being donated.


Items that are labelled or left behind on the final day (Thursday 14) will be stored at Curiosity or sent to school if your child is commencing there in 2024.


Communication Pockets

Communication pockets will no longer be in action as of next week as we prepare for 2024.  Unfortunately this means that Christmas cards, notes and treats won't be able to be posted.  If your child still wishes to share a small gift with their friends, please send these along in a bag to be handed out at the end of the day.  We shall do our best to hand them all out.  Thank you.