St James Executive Leadership 

Principal and Deputy Principal News 

Principal News

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,


As the academic year draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey I've had during my first Principalship here at St James. It has been a privilege and an honor to serve and lead this wonderful community, and I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of you.


This year has been a period of learning, growth, and meaningful connections. From the very beginning, I have been inspired by the dedication and support shown by our parents and guardians. Your involvement in your child's education and your active participation in school events have made a significant impact on our collective success.


Together, we've celebrated achievements, navigated challenges , and worked hand-in-hand to create an inclusive and nurturing environment for our students. I have been deeply moved by the kindness, enthusiasm, and resilience displayed by our students each day. Their passion for learning and their diverse talents continue to enrich our school community.


Our exceptional team of educators and staff members has been instrumental in fostering a positive and supportive atmosphere where students can thrive. Their commitment to providing a well-rounded education and their unwavering dedication to each child's growth are truly commendable.


Throughout this year, I've had the pleasure of witnessing the strong sense of community that defines St James. The School Advisory Council, Parents Association, Parent Reps and all families along with volunteers and supporters, have been an integral part of our success. Your collaborative spirit and commitment to enhancing our school have been instrumental.


I want to express my gratitude for the encouragement and support that I have received from all of you. Your trust in my leadership and your partnership in ensuring the best for our students have been invaluable.


As we conclude this school year, I look forward to the continued journey ahead. I am excited about the possibilities and opportunities that the upcoming years will bring for our school and our students. 


Thank you for entrusting me with the privilege of serving as Principal at St James. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this remarkable community, and I am eagerly looking forward to the exciting endeavors that lie ahead.


This is the final newsletter for the year, however there will be an End of Year Bulletin with all families at the end of next week.


Christmas Carols


Wow! What an incredible evening we had last night! A heartfelt thank you goes out to Mrs. Mandy Cooper and Leisa Giannnopoulos for their dedication in preparing the students, not just for singing but also for dancing and playing the recorder. A round of applause for Mrs. Maree Fatouros, our Year 5 teacher, who coordinated the Christmas Market stall with the unwavering support of the year 5 students and their families. The atmosphere was truly magical, filled with spirit and excitement.


A big shout-out to all the parents whose support made this event a reality! A special mention to our Christmas Carols Committee members - Connie Sands, Virginia Pullman, Meg Donoghue, and Kath Power - whose dedication and countless meetings ensured the success of the event. We are immensely grateful to the team of parent decorators who worked tirelessly to transform the Mainyard into our very own St James Christmas Wonderland.


Above all, a heartfelt thank you to the entire St James School community for coming together and celebrating our school year as one united community. Your presence and support during the Carols meant the world to us. Thank you to each and every one of you for contributing in your own special way.

Annual General Meeting (Parents Association and School Advisory Council) 


Last week members of the Parents Association and School Advisory Council gathered to review the year and celebrate with a dinner.


I extend my heartfelt appreciation to members of the School Advisory Council and our Parents Association, whose unwavering support and collaboration have significantly enriched the school community. Your involvement in various activities, events, and fundraisers has been invaluable in creating a positive and engaging environment for our children.


On behalf of the staff and school community I wanted to take a moment to extend my deepest gratitude to both Connie and Virginia for their outstanding dedication and tireless efforts as the chairs of our Parent Association over the last two years. Through your guidance, the Parent Association has thrived, creating an environment that encourages involvement, collaboration, and a sense of belonging among parents, teachers, and students alike. Please know that your hard work and dedication have not only benefited our school community but have also left a lasting impression on each one of us. 

School Production


During Semester 2, the students together with our School Production director Leisa Giannopoulos have been rehearsing for our school production ‘Seussical Jr’.  Today at 1.30pm the students performed their final dress rehearsal / matinee.  We congratulate the students on their performance.  It was spectacular!  Thank you also to the staff for supporting the show and the many parent volunteers who so creatively designed costumes and props.


There will be two further shows.  One this evening and one tomorrow night.  If you have yet to purchase tickets online, limited seats can be purchased at the door on the night.

Staffing 2024


On Monday 11th December at 9.00am the students will learn who their classroom teachers for 2024 will be.  The students will then spend the morning getting to know their new teachers and the students in their 2024 class.


The 2024 Staffing list will be shared with families early next week.  


2024 Fee Letters


Today you will have received an outline of the St James Fee Structure for 2024. Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please don't hesitate to get in touch with the office.  Can we please ask all families to complete the 2024 Fee Payment agreement and return this by Tuesday 12th December, 2023.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.


Swimming Update


Our school swimming carnival took place on 23rd November, marking a fantastic conclusion to an intensive swimming program.  A heartfelt thank you goes out to all families for supporting this initiative, with a special appreciation for the parents who provided invaluable assistance poolside during the event. Your support played a crucial role in making this day a resounding success.


A big round of applause for Mrs. Georgia McNamara for her exceptional coordination of the day, supported by the dedicated staff members.


The students thoroughly enjoyed the carnival, and to everyone's amusement, only one teacher ended up taking an unexpected plunge! A special thank you to Mr Aidan Niarros for his enthusiastic participation!


Clash of the Courts - THANK YOU!


On Sunday 19th November a group of our mums and Mrs Herbert participated in an inter-school netball CLASH OF THE COURTS tournament!  Michelle Thomas and her sister Amanda were instrumental in making the day come together.  Clash of the Courts was a fundraising event, with proceeds going towards TS4A and Confident Girls.  


Thank you to Michelle Thomas putting forward this idea and coordinating the St James team.


It was lots of fun!



Parent Helper Morning Tea


End of Year School Reports


The end of the school year is also the time where teachers assess and report student learning.  Next week you will receive your child’s end of year School Report.  Just like mid year, the reports will be published via the Nforma Parent Portal. 


How to view the Semester 2 School Reports

  • Student reports for Semester 2, will be shared via the Nforma Parent Portal on Monday, 11th December, 2023 from 4.30pm onwards.
  • The link to the Nforma Parent portal is available via the School website Quick Links Page
  • For new families (Semester 2) an automated email containing instructions and login details will come from (not the school) on late Sunday evening, early Monday morning (11th December, 2023).
  • Please ensure that you check your junk/spam folder for an email from that address.
  • It is highly recommended that you use a computer to access your child’s reports for the first time. Subsequent logins can be made on a mobile device if preferred.
  • Once you have followed the instructions, you will be able to view your child’s report online.
  • Once in the portal you will need to choose your child (if you have more than one at our school) and then choose 'Assessment and Reporting'. Then select the year/semester.
  • Important to note, that once your child leaves St James, his/her academic reports will be archived and you will no longer have direct access via the nForma Parent portal. Therefore, nForma advises all parents/carers to download a copy of all academic reports via the portal and print them off for future reference.

A kind reminder that if your child is in Year 6 or your family is leaving our school community, please ensure that you download and save your child's reports prior to the end of the year, as your access may be restricted as early as the 1st January, 2024.  


We are now taking enrolments from current families  

Dear St James Families,


Just a kind reminder that enrolments for Prep 2025 are now open! Should you wish to enrol your child, kindly inform the school, and we will promptly forward you the necessary enrolment forms.


For any inquiries or clarifications, please don't hesitate to reach out to the school directly at phone number 03 9596-4766 or via email at


We appreciate your cooperation in advance!



School Prayer


St James School Vision and School Priorities.  (POST  REVIEW) Last year the school participated in our school review.  Following the review we received a report including recommendations for forward planning.  We have met as a Leadership team and in consultation with staff and MACS consultants have set our new school priorities for continuous improvement for the next four years.  (Please see the attached information).




Social Media - Please follow, like and share our school Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Feeds. 


School Website:

Twitter:  St James Catholic Primary School, 3186

Instagram:  stjamesbrighton3186

Facebook: @stjamesbrighton3186



Please stay safe and healthy.


Carmelina Corio



Deputy Principal News


Hello Everyone,


It is hard to believe the many key dates we had in our newsletter are now down to just a few. Although we do still have a lot of exciting events in our final week of school. 


Emma and I would like to say a huge thank you to our wonderful community. We have now completed our first year as Deputy Principals and we could not be prouder of our students, staff and families. Our achievements this year have been many and varied. From the growth our students have shown as individuals through not only academics but physically, socially and emotionally as well. Our community is like no other. Our students are respected and are respectful. We believe that relationships and connections with our students and our families are of utmost importance and that is evident in all that we do. 


So thank you to all of our families for a wonderful year. We hope you all have a fabulous summer and we look forward to seeing you back in 2024. 


Key Dates 


Week 11  2023

Monday 11th December, students meet their 2024 teachers (Move Up Day).

Tuesday 12th December, Year 6 students go to Luna Park.

Wednesday 13th December, end of year Liturgy @ 9:30am in the hall followed by Parent- Helper morning tea @10:00am in the Tilley Garden.

Thursday 14th December, Year 6 Graduation Mass @ 5:00pm at Star of the Sea Chapel, followed by Graduation Dinner and celebrations in the hall.

Friday 15th December, end of year Assembly @12:30pm in the hall.  Students dismissed at 1:30pm.



Tuesday 30th January all students to commence their first day of 2024.

Wednesday 31st January, Prep Testing Day 1 (only students booked in for testing to attend).

Thursday 8th February, Parent Information Nights for all year levels.

Thursday 15th February, Holt District Tennis Tournament-selected students only

Friday 16th February, Holt District Swimming Championships-selected students only

Friday 16th February, St James School Welcome Disco


Emma Herbert and Georgia McNamara

Deputy Principals