Curriculum Matters 

Level 1

Year 1 students have been busy making rain gauges as part of our ‘Weather and Environment’ unit of study. They made them out of recycled plastic bottles that they brought in from home. 

Students followed these easy steps to make them:

  1. Cut the top section off their clear bottle 
  2. Place several small rocks in the bottom (for weight), then fill the bottle with water to the 0 mark. ...
  3. Invert the top of the bottle into rain gauge to act as a funnel. ...
  4. Wait for the next rain and observe and record rainfall amounts.

The students had lots of fun and are looking forward to seeing how much rain their rain gauge catches in the coming weeks. 

Level 2

Level 2 had a fantastic time a Stringybark Lodge, poking our heads out of the train, going on the flying fox and even on the bus just chatting, it was all an amazing experience for all of us. Everyone had great time, some people said the food was great, some said they just loved everything that day. We all had a great time. 

Ashan M 2H


At Adventure Day, (Tuesday the 21st of November) Level 2 got to go on Puffing Billy. It was a long ride, but it was definitely worth it the because everything we saw was a piece of earth, and earth is beautiful!  When we arrived, a bus picked us up, and drove us to Stringybark Lodge. We had so much incredible fun! All of us got a chance to play games, race on ziplines, and eat delicious foods filled with happiness! I hope that this tells you what type of things we all did to have so much fun! I think this was the best excursion ever! 

What about you? Have you been to Stringybark Lodge or Puffing Billy? Was it your favourite? It was definitely level 2’s!

Matilda T 2S


On Adventure Day, Level 2 had an incredible time we caught the puffing billy we got to stick our hands out. Then we were dropped off to Stringybark Lodge we got to go on a flying fox we climbed up the ladder to the top of the tree and flew over the river we also had a mini golf course we would take turns hitting the golf ball and getting it in the hole. There was a playground and a trampoline we took turns on the 2 trampolines we each got 5 minutes. We had lunch, afternoon tea then, we played hungry hippos and did a really fun rope course and had dinner and dessert.

Isabella A 2B

Level 3

Last week, Jells Park Primary School celebrated National Recycling Week with a focus on developing zero waste practices that could be implemented in our everyday lives. 

The Level 3 students were busy exploring ways to be more sustainable by getting involved in a bunch of eco-challenges. The first involved making our own beeswax wraps using Ms Beagley’s pillowcase and melted wax. This was super easy, creative and as we discussed, a great environmentally friendly alternative to using plastic to keep our lunch fresh. The other fun activity involved finding a stick in the garden and wrapping some left-over wire around it before looping to form a home-made wand. We then used some dishwasher soap, water and a few spoonfuls of sugar to create the bubbly mixture. We didn’t quite perfect the mixture but had lots of fun in the courtyard attempting to master the bubble.