Junior School Council 

Foothills Communiy Care Reverse Advent Calendar

We are again participating in Foothills Community Care Reverse Advent Calendar throughout part of November and December. 

Foothills Community Care is a not-for-profit organisation who provides support to those in need in the Knox, Dandenong Ranges and surrounding foothills areas. Their aim with our help is to create food hampers for families in need this Christmas.

Families can participate in this initiative in one of two ways:

  • Home Hamper - For the month (Nov & Dec), grab a box at home and decorate it in a Christmas theme. Then each day, instead of receiving a daily treat, add an item to the box instead. By the end of the month you have your own unique hamper!
  • Class Donation - On any day throughout the calendar, students can bring items to school and place them in a classroom collection box.

Note: we are unable to accept donations at the office due to lack of space.

To minimise hygiene and health & safety risks, please ensure all donated items are sealed, non-perishable canned and packaged goods within use-by date. We are unable to accept homemade or home cooked items.

Please see the above Foothills calendar which we will be using for the months of November and December. 

Get the family involved and start on any day you choose! We will begin accepting donations for class hampers from Monday 27 November through to Wednesday 13 December. 

Home Hampers can be delivered to Junior School Council representatives at the Homestead Drive gate on Wednesday 13 December between 9-9:15am. 


Thank you for your support,

Junior School Council