Principal Message

Dear Families, 


Year 3-6 Swimming Sports

We had a very successful swimming carnival last Friday. The students swam enthusiastically throughout the day and there were a lot of strong swimmers indeed. Thank you to the students for their excellent behaviour throughout the day and to Mr Horbury for his organisation of the event. It was very successful. 


OGPS Spelling Bee and Maths Masters

The students enjoyed the annual Spelling Bee and Math Masters throughout the week. We certainly have some very talented students in the school. Thank you to the parents and grandparents who came to support the students, and to Mrs McKeon and Mrs Miller for organizing the events. The students certainly enjoyed them. 


STEM Presentations

The students in Years 6 shared their STEM projects with the students in the other year levels. There were some very creative projects the students shared. Thank you to Mr Kayler-Thomson for organising the event. 


Shark Tank

The Year 5 students presented their products in the annual Shark Tank event. We witnessed a great deal of creativity and some very innovative products being pitched to the ‘sharks’ who were some very dedicated parents who made it very enjoyable.  Thank you to the ‘Sharks’ for your time and your excellent responses. Thank you also to the students for their wonderful presentations and to the Year 5 teachers for organising the event. 


Classes for 2024

We have just about finalised the classes and teacher allocations for next year. These will be published in next week’s newsletter. Students will meet their 2024 class teacher on Tuesday the 19th of December.


Parent Helper Morning Tea: Wednesday 13th @11am

Our annual parent and carer helper thank you morning tea will be held next Wednesday at 11am in the staffroom. We look forward to seeing you there if you have been a helper so we can thank you and show our appreciation for the assistance you have given throughout the year. 


Christmas Final Assembly: Friday, 15th December 9:15am – 11:00AM

The final whole school assembly will be held on Friday the 15th of December at The Ocean Grove Park which is opposite the school. The Foundation students will be entertaining us with some Christmas cheer and the Year 6 students will be farewelled. We look forward to seeing you there if you are able to attend. 


Feed Me Bellarine Food Drive

A big thank you to everyone who supported our Food Drive for Feed Me Bellarine over the past couple of weeks! We were able to deliver 16 crates of food to the volunteers who were amazed by the generosity of our school community. THANK YOU!


House Celebration Day

The students are looking forward to the House Celebration Day next Monday. There are a variety of activities the students will be enjoying. Thank you to Mr Teague for coordinating the events. An early apology for the expected disruption regarding traffic and parking on the morning of Monday 11th December, due to our whole school House Celebration Day.

There are 12 buses arriving and access into Draper Street will be considerably limited.

Traffic cones will be placed along Draper Street from 6:00am.

Thank you for supporting our House Celebration Day.


Last day school Tuesday 19th December 3:20pm finish

Take care. 
