Principal's Update

Term 4 update
School swimming is about to start and I am excited! Having worked with Anglesea Surf Lifesaving Club as a Nippers Leader for a number of summers I have seen first hand the importance of children learning to swim and doing as much swimming as they can.
The benefits of school swimming apart from becoming more "waterproof" is greater independence - with our students being in charge of their own clothes - getting dry, getting dressed and getting everything back in their bags. We will of course be on hand to help.
SCHOOL COUNCIL - we need you!
If you are interested in becoming a member of School Council and helping shape our school into the future - please let me know.
I invite any member of our school community to attend our next School Council Meeting as an observer on Monday Nov 27 at 6pm at school in the staff room. Thank you!
Parent/Carer helpers: Twilight Working Bee
Friday Dec 1 5.00pm-7.00pm
We are putting together the GAGA pit and need some help - all the materials come pre- drilled we just need to put it together.
ZOOPER DOOPERS available at lunch time for $1
In PE we have been developing our soccer skills with the help of our coach Christian over the past 4 weeks- we were fortunate enough to receive funding from Sporting Schools again this term which helped to cover the cost of the coach and provide some new equipment for our PE classes.
Please read on ... there are lots of photos from events we have had as well as poems and stories about remarkable students.
HOPE FOR MONASH - please help those in need this Christmas ... by next Friday 1st December
We are asking families if they can please donate non-perishable foods suitable for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Please bring to school and put in the Hope for Monash bags in your classroom.
Thank you
Be kind to yourselves and take care
Meredith Thornton