What's on in the classroom?

Year 6 Challenge Groups


In Term 4 students learn the curriculum through the lens of four different challenge programs. In 2023 these were Human Powered Vehicles (HPV), Survivor, Creative License and Digital Makers. Through the Challenge Program students are able to build new working relationships with their peers and extend their learning beyond the classroom. Each Program is tailored to the students’ needs and therefore looks different each year.


Let’s hear from some of our students about their experiences.


Emily HPV


“I have loved the amazing opportunity that HPV gives us and i have loved being apart of the HPV team. I also enjoyed going up to Overport park and doing bike relays. HPV will be going to Maryborough next week to compete.”


Annabel Creative License


“Something I enjoyed was doing the fence murals at the new D.I.G garden. We had Kim Schroder who visited us and taught us how to do basket weaving. I have loved the experience of Creative License.”


Ollie K Digital Makers


“I have enjoyed doing the tech side of stuff like taking apart a computer and then keeping the parts and also doing 3-D printing. I made cookie cutters from the 3-D printer. I loved the opportunity Digital Makers gave me.”


Oliver H Survivor


“Something i enjoyed about survivor was the beach days, camouflage and doing lots of exercise to keep fit and healthy. I also enjoyed being in tribes and making the shirts representing our tribe. I enjoyed everything about Survivor.”