From our Assistant Principal
Judith McDonald
From our Assistant Principal
Judith McDonald
It has been lovely to see our students, families and staff back and school and settling into their class programs and learning activities. I look forward to catching up with parents and carers when you drop your child at school or at our Meet the Classroom Team afternoon or when you come in for our SSG meetings in week 5. Remember that at any time you can make an appointment to meet with your child's teacher or Christine or I. If you need an interpreter to assist with your meeting, we are able to book one.
Our swimming program is due to begin in the week starting Monday 19th February. Your child's classroom teacher will let you know which day your child will be swimming each week. Attached below is a reminder note about what your child will need to bring for swimming sessions.
Students must have a current completed parent consent to be able to participate in the swimming program. Students with epilepsy must have a current Swimming Medical Clearance form signed by a parent/guardian and a medical practitioner.
Thank you to those families who have completed the student permission forms for 2024. These can be found on Compass. Please contact the office if you need assistance to complete these. We are working through a few small issues as we change over to this new system and we are happy to help!
At Croydon SDS we care about the safety of all of our students, families and staff!
Thank you to all parents/carers for showing extra care at the start and end of day when picking up and dropping off students. It is important that drivers continue to remember not to reverse out of the driveway entrances. If you are unsure of the best way to approach the school, please see the map below which was sent out on Compass last week or contact the front office.
We have had one or two cases of headlice over the past week. We ask you to please check your child's hair and seek treatment for head lice prior to them returning to school.