From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,
It has certainly been a busy two weeks for us all with our Year 5/6 camp and Bike Ed session last week, and St Bernard’s Day and Book Week this week. There are recounts and photos from these events included in this newsletter and on our Instagram and Facebook pages.
Bike Ed
It was exciting to see so many bikes at school last Friday for our Bike Ed session. Students participated in an hour session and learnt about bike safety, riding skills and bike maintenance. Hopefully this inspires more students to ride each day. Many thanks to Mr Reed and Mr Nick for their organisation of this event.
St Bernard’s Day
A Magic Show, Buddy activities, learning about St Bernard, a paraliturgy, hotdogs, juices and a Zooper Dooper ensured that the day was a celebration for us all. Many thanks to the BPC and in particular the team that coordinated and ran the event, Sarah Vojinovic, Joanne Sharkey, Gabrielle Marr and Nancy Power. Also thank you to Bertocchi Smallgoods for the donation of the frankfurts, we appreciate their support.
Father’s and Special Person Celebrations
Our Father’s Day and Special People celebration is on Friday 30th August. We welcome these very special people in our lives to join us for some time in the classroom and then coffee and donuts in the hall afterwards. Invitations were sent last week and RSVPs are needed by Wednesday 28th for catering purposes.
Email :
BPC – Bunnings BBQ
We have been very lucky to secure a Bunnings BBQ date as fundraiser on Saturday 26th October and we desperately need coordinators. This can be a family or two friends who can oversee the event. This is a very lucrative fundraiser for us with $2,800 raised in one day. This money will contribute to adding extra Lego kits to our Digital Technologies equipment for our Years 3-6 students to use. If you can help us, please contact the office or the BPC. More information on the BPC page.
Bernie’s Café
Parents and Carers are welcome to Bernie’s Cafe, in the Hall 2.30pm this Friday 23rd August before assembly. Come along for a catch up & coffee.
Assembly this Friday
Assembly is on this Friday at 3pm and the Foundation Class are hosting.
Learning Conversations
Learning Conversations are being held on Tuesday 10th September, 3.30 - 6.00pm. Booking information will be sent out next week.
MACSSIS Parent Surveys (2nd - 20th September )
Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS) are a set of tools for creating, collecting, analysing, interpreting and using data to inform Catholic school improvement. MACSSIS produces perception data, which tells us what different people in a school community think and feel about their learning environment.
At this time of the year we select 50 random families to complete an online survey that usually takes between 15-30 minutes. If chosen, families will receive an email from the school that will provide you with the link to access the survey, an individual pin number (password) and a letter explaining the process.
The survey link can only be able to be accessed from 2nd September up until 20th September. We ask that all selected families complete the survey as this provides us with important information in our forward planning for the school.
Recent studies have shown the importance of gratitude for everyone, especially children. Gratitude needs to be taught and modelled; it is not something that we are born with. Helping our children develop an understanding of what this really means and looks like in action is crucial to supporting their development. The following article is definitely worth reading.
'Something to Think About '
This week, Susan McLean’s video is on a very sensitive yet vitally important topic of grooming.