Andrew Nunns School of Music

Dear Parents, Carers and Students, 


I hope everyone is well. We have just past the halfway mark of Term Three and in the blink of an eye it’ll be Christmas. Which leads me to our end of year “Concert Extravaganza”. Two nights of student music performances to highlight the extraordinary talent at ENPS. 


We are yet to lock in those dates but it’s a tidy reminder that every music student should have set practise times at home. So when the concert does come around, every student will be confident for their performance. 


Concert dates to be announced soon. 


In other news the school band is coming along very nicely and will be primed for all the end of year performances. 


This term there has been a few changes with the timetable to accommodate incursions, excursions, intensive swimming program, etc. We are doing our best to have make up lessons if your child/children has missed a lesson. 


Please keep up the home practise. 




Andrew Nunns and the Team