Principals Message

Dear parents and carers,

Every year parents, students and staff are provided with the opportunity to take part in a survey regarding all aspects of the school. We use the information to help with improvement processes. We also use the information to affirm staff and students. We treat the feedback as valuable evidence into how we are going and what we need to do next. 


The principals of the Armidale Catholic Schools group have worked diligently over the last year to bring about positive change to the survey format. We are pleased to announce that we have achieved the following;

  • Less questions, a much smaller amount than in previous surveys
  • No overlap of question topics
  • Less complex questions


The changes have been made to the student and staff surveys as well. I completed mine in a short time frame this week. We usually receive surveys from about half of our families so I am hoping the new format might encourage more families to respond. 


Responses are confidential. We look for themes within the final report and use those themes to address any concerns and to affirm staff. Of course if there is anything you would like to personally address with us please make some time to come in and see us. We encourage positive partnerships at all times. 


The surveys were launched this week and will close on Wednesday September 4. 


Kind regards,



Uniform News

  • Students may choose to wear SUMMER UNIFORM from next week onwards. They must be in full uniform whether it be winter or summer. No combinations please.
  • Sports socks continue to be only plain white-NO LOGOS remember.
  • LABEL all items please!