Mission & Religious Education News

Prayer for skilled helpful adults working in schools
God of Love, thank you for every adult who notices a child’s special gift. Thank you for adults who are listeners and gentle guides. Thank you for those who expect much and love enough to demand more. Thank you for the special mentor each one of us remembers.
God of Mercy, sustain the helpful skilled adults who give everything they have. Strengthen those who assume the responsibility for so many problems beyond their control.
God of Strength, encourage staff members to care for and inspire young people. Motivate teachers to keep learning, and to make learning enjoyable for young people.
God of Justice, help and support staff in their special calling, wherever they work and whatever obstacles they face.
We pray these things in the name of our great teacher, Jesus Christ. Amen
REC Meeting
The in person REC meeting this year will be held over two days on the 12th and 13th of September. Please register here .
Retreat Week
There are LIMITED spaces available for the Tuesday retreat next week. Please contact Kate at kfrazie1@arm.catholic.edu.au before COB tomorrow (21st August) to grab one of these spots!
FAQs: What is The Penitential Rite?
“To prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries, let us call to mind our sin” says the celebrant at the penitential rite. Far from being a negative thing, the emphasis of this prayer is the infinite love of our compassionate God, personified in Jesus. In a healthy family, members are not afraid to recognise themselves to be always in need of forgiveness. Similarly, for our faith family, the penitential rite is one way of acknowledging that we always stand in need of reconciliation. This part of the mass often included the ‘Kyrie eleison’ (Lord have mercy) which is one of the most ancient Christian responses.
Upcoming Important Church Calendar Days
Tue 20 Saint Bernard
Wed 21 Saint Pius X
Thu 22 Our Lady, Mother and Queen
Fri 23 Saint Rose of Lima
Sat 24 Saint Bartholomew
Tue 27 Saint Monica
Wed 28 Saint Augustine
Thu 29 The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist
Sat 31 Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary