Learning and Teaching

What's Happening in Japanese?
Kendo Martial Arts
This week, students in Years 3 and 6 participated in a Kendo Japanese martial arts incursion as part of their Japanese lessons. The word "Kendo" means "the way of the sword," and it dates back to about 1,000 years ago.
During the incursion, Reuben Sensei demonstrated some basic movements and techniques of Kendo. Then, he let us experience holding the bamboo stick, shinai, and doing basic sparring against him.
One of the interesting facts about Kendo that he told us is that there is grading in Kendo, and the highest grade is the 8th Dan, with a pass rate that is often less than 1%!
"Yesterday in Japanese, two people visited our school who taught us the art of Kendo. They showed us some fun exercises and some interesting techniques. They even showed us how to fight. It was a thrilling experience and I hope more of these can happen." - Shann
"Yesterday, we were visited by two visitors for an incursion on Kendo. They had taught us exercises and techniques all originating from a Japanese hobby that people either learn for fun or for training. We had fun experimenting on how to use a shinai (a Japanese bamboo sword used in competition) or training). Kendo is not about who wins. It is about respect, good etiquette and accuracy. In the end, Kendo is a sacred sport that is still played to this very day. - Emma
"The two teachers, Master Kim and Master Reuben, had armour on their waist, wrist and head. They both gave us so much information about Kendo. I also enjoyed hitting their heads with the bamboo sword!" - Daniel
"Yesterday in Japanese, we learned about the ancient martial art of Kendo, and two people from the Victorian University Kendo Club came to our school to teach us about the art of Kendo and how it works. We learnt that a Kendo match goes for about five minutes, and to get a point you will need to strike the opponent on the head, wrist, body or throat. This is done by swinging a shinai, which is a weapon made of bamboo and string." - Simreet
Japanese Teacher
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