Education in Faith

International Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
On Sunday, we celebrated Father's Day, but also the first day of Spring! Pope Francis has declared September 1st every year the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. We are encouraged to pray for our common home today.
God of all creation,
You provide us with everything that we need.
Help us to be good stewards of the land which we often take for granted.
May we protect and respect your gift of creation.
We make this prayer through Jesus Christ, the word through whom
all was made.
The Month of September has been declared as Care for Creation.
The theme for 2024 is 'To Hope and Act with Creation'.
The symbol for 2024 is The first fruits of hope (Rom 8:19-25)
Hope is an instrument enabling us to overcome the natural law of decay. Hope is given to us by God as a protection and guard against futility. Only through hope we may realize the gift of freedom in fullness. Freedom to act not only to achieve enjoyment and prosperity, but to reach the stage in which we are free and responsible. Freedom and responsibility enable us to make the world a better place. Only when we work together with Creation can the firstfruits of hope emerge.
Parish Mass
Tomorrow, we celebrate parish mass with our Year 1 students. Family and friends are
welcomed to join us in our Sacred Space at 12pm.
Next Friday, 13th of September, our Foundation students will be celebrating mass at 12pm.
Education in Faith Leader