Sustainability Corner


Today we took the garden into the classroom with a group of budding gardeners from 1/2A heading out to sample & harvest some of our latest produce. 



Thrilled to pick a grand total of 54 snow peas, the children used their numeracy skills to work out there was enough for each 1/2A to have two snow peas and a sample of parsley, Brussels sprouts, mint and kale. 


Yum was the general consensus! 



We also shared the leftovers at recess with lots of eager kiddos 💚.


In truth, there was lots of tasting today, not much gardening but be assured we will be having our kids hands in the dirt very soon.



ALSO in other news: 


Do not miss out on our next Market tomorrow, Thursday at pick-up time where we will be selling bunches of homegrown kale (both Tuscan & green), lettuce and select herbs. We might even have some rhubarb too 🤞.


Also, we are pleased to announce Lee from Snack Shack’s fav herb scones will be on sale too.  


Even come & sample our basil mint too which has the most amazing aroma 💚.


There are plenty of reasons to head over, WITH a fiver ($5) and leave feeling great about the extra green on the table that night. 


We’d love to see you there. 



A huge congratulations to Class 34D who took out the inaugural Plastic Free July award presented by the Sustainability Student Leaders at assembly. 


Class 34D had the highest number of plastic-free (nude) lunches measured over the last two weeks of July and were the excited recipients of the infamous trophy (on the right – not the caddy 😊).


Well done and a big thanks to all the kids & parents who prepared nude lunches for the week.  This is an important event on the Sustainability Student Leader’s calendar which gives a chance for all students to think about how to reduce packaging and waste.  


This year they also enlisted the support of recently anointed classroom sustainability reps in levels 1 through 4 to help coordinate the initiative.  Great walk by all.

For those interested these were some of the nude food top tips gathered through the month:

  • Investing in a lunchbox with compartments (like a bento box) which helps avoid need for wrapping and keeps foods nicely separated
  • Fill with cut up fruit or vegetables and add a dollop of dip for a tasty treat
  • Bake snacks (like muffins, slice or power balls) at home instead of buying treats wrapped in plastic.  Some can be frozen and ready to go in the morning.
  • Buy larger bags of popcorn, biscuits etc and into reusable containers to reduce overall plastic 
  • Similarly, jars of pickles, olives or larger blocks of cheese can be portioned quickly into lunches