Specialist News 

Performing Arts/Visual Arts/LOTE-Italian/French & Physical Education


I suppose the big news is that today Peter Combe visited our school and performed amazingly for the whole school, including a few parents and younger siblings. 


We were dazzled by Newspaper Mama and Wash Your Face in Orange Juice. Feet were tapping to Spaghetti Bolognaise. All had a great time.



Meanwhile, in the Performing Arts classes, Years 3-6 have been working on a film together which at the moment is called Sound and Vision (thank you, David Bowie). Each class is filming separate parts of the movie and at the end, all the parts will be edited together to make one long film. Then we hope to have a premiere in the next few weeks.


It’s the story of seven planets who face off against each other in the Interplanetary Dance Olympics. However, one planet does not play by the rules. Da da da dum!


Years F-2 continue working with puppets and telling stories on the stage.  They are improvising characters using the puppets we have in the classroom. Eg We do not have three pigs but we do have a wombat and 2 wallaby puppets.  They change their voices and take on different roles while telling a story for the rest of the grade. 


Foundation have also been doing a little percussion work, which they enjoy. I think we have a few budding Ringo Starrs in our midst. Or a Keith Moon!




Foundation students have been looking at sculpture and applying their primary and secondary colour knowledge to create rainbow lions. With the help of their 5/6 buddies, they cut the sections from cardboard and used patterned paper to decorate the mane.


Year 1/2

Year 1/2 students have been discussing symmetry and learning cutting techniques to create identical or symmetrical shapes. They applied these skills using tissue paper, focusing on patience and gentleness, they created these tissue paper moths that are displayed on the art room windows.


Year 3/4 

You might have heard that the 3/4 students are learning to sew! They looked at soft sculpture artist Claes Oldenburg and designed their own ‘Ugly Doll’. They cut felt for their doll's bodies and glued down their details. They are practising the backstitch and whipstitch to sew and stuff their doll. 



Year 5/6

Year 5/6 students explored the science fiction genre ‘Steampunk’ and discussed its aesthetic influenced by Victorian fashion and industrialism. Using buttons, beads, textured materials, gears and cogs they are designing a tile that is a small part of a bigger steampunk machine. They will paint their tile brown and use the ‘dry brushing’ technique to create a rusted metal look.