From Our Assistant Principal
Aaron Jones
From Our Assistant Principal
Aaron Jones
This week we celebrate Book Week at Ormond Primary School.
On Monday we held our Annual Book Parade. It was my first Book Parade at Ormond PS, and I was blown away with the amazing costumes from students and teachers alike. Thank you to our MCs for the parade, the Mad Hatter (Mr Woollan) and Rabbit (Ms Jones). It was also great to see so many parents come and enjoy the morning.
The English PLAT and Sharelle, our school Librarian, also have hosted events throughout the week. Students were engaged in a re-enactment of the picture story book ‘Room on The Broom’ by Julia Donaldson, there was story time at Lunch by Ms McIntosh and classrooms participated in lots of activities based on our favourite story books. The library is also looking magical for the special week and Sharelle has curated a list of her favourite award winning picture books for students to read.
On Friday 16th August at our Curriculum Day, we welcomed Marion from Real Schools to continue to develop our capacity with restorative practices. Staff developed skills in restorative conversations, using affective language, affective check-ins and using circles in classrooms. We are looking forward to moving into our second phase with Real Schools and implementing our learning across the school.
Parents, you are invited to our Real Schools Parent Seminar on Thursday 12th September from 6pm. Marion will be present to discuss the school's journey in restorative practices, the strength of restorative practices, and how families can share a consistent vision with Ormond PS. We look forward to welcoming Marion to our community.
Please find Marion’s invite video Ormond Parent Session - Video Invite
Communications have been sent home to students who will be representing Ormond PS at the District Athletics Carnival on 9th September.
A list of the OPS District Athletics team, and the events the students are competing in, are on the Ormond PS sports notice board.
We wish our students competing the best of luck!
Just a timely reminder about the importance of child safety when students walk or ride to and from school independently.
Please find this resource to assist families on how you can educate your children on the importance of safety when travelling independently.
Going out independently: kids & pre-teens | Raising Children Network
Next week, on 28th-30th August, Year 6 students are off to Camp Manyung for their Year 6 Camp.
Students and teachers are excitedly completing their last preparations to get ready for camp. I am excited to be attending the Camp and look forward to sharing all of the great stories and activities we get to do.
A reminder that the Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey will be open online until Friday 30 August 2024.
All households are invited to participate in the survey using the link and the unique school PIN that has been delivered via a Compass post. In order to make the survey as accessible to families as possible, there are also display QR codes around the school (and below) so you can provide your feedback while you wait for your child to be dismissed at the end of the school day.
The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones.
The results will be made available to the school late in Term 3, and once the school improvement team have had an opportunity to collate and analyse the data, a summary will be provided to the Ormond Primary School community through our newsletter early in Term 4.
Please click here or scan the QR code to access the survey. You will need to enter our unique school PIN: 274776.
Aaron Jones