Kharisma Kids - OSHC

Over the past few weeks we have all been very active at Before and After School Care with the Olympics and themed activities.
The weather has been kind to us all. We have taken advantage with lots of outdoor play. We have soccer and cricket on rotation each day between the Junior children and the Senior children, with those who don’t want to play group sports either choosing to play on the playground or bringing out colouring and drawing equipment.
Over the last two weeks we have touched on the topic of Victoria/Melbourne and Art Deco. With an array of colouring and activity sheets highlighting some of the icons that represent Melbourne.
Art Deco is a visual arts and design style that emerged in the 1920s and 1930s. It is characterized by its bold geometric patterns, vibrant colours, and lavish ornamentation. Key Characteristics of Art Deco are Geometric Shapes, Ornamentation, Vivid Colours, Materials, Influence of Technology and Cultural Influences.
Art Deco was and can be used in Architecture, Interior Design, Fashion and Graphic Design.
We had some great fashion work completed by some of the children at After School Care.
Rob, Lucas, Marlene, Sara
The Kharisma Kids Team