
National Week of Action against Bullying and Violence
Next week, the week beginning Monday 12th August, is National week of Action against Bullying and Violence. The children will be talking about the definition of bullying and learning what they can do if they or someone they know is being bullied.
To raise awareness for this week, the students will be allowed to wear a "touch of purple" to their clothing on FRIDAY 16th August. This can be a basketball top, jumper, socks, hat, ribbon etc.
Purple is the colour being used to raise awareness nationally for this important cause. Thanks for your support.
Positive Behaviours for Learning
At SFS, our PBL (Positive behaviours for learning) school wide expectations are:
Responsibility and
This week we have focused on the expectation of Responsibility: Be ready for learning. The teachers focused on what can we do if we are not ready to learn. We use the Zones of Regulation at SFS as a way of identifying how we are feeling, which zone we are in and what tools we can use to help regulate our emotions.
The teachers talked about using the strategy “Size of the problem” as a way for children to stop and reflect on problems they have at school, how they make them feel and how they react to the problem. The children then need to think whether their reaction matched the size of the problem. For example if they could not find a pencil in class to write with (a small problem) but they have a big reaction to this (e.g. scream, cry, yell in frustration) then we need to stop and think before we react. You might like to try using this strategy at home with your child.
Here are some of our PBL winners from last Friday who have demonstrated RESPONSIBILITY: Be ready for learning.
Student Representative Council
We had our 2nd SRC meeting on Monday afternoon this week in the staffroom. Here is what 2 of our SRC representatives had to say.
“Hi our names are Deva and Neslin, and we are the LS1 Senior SRC’s.
At our meeting on Monday, the children at school had thought about a couple of ideas. These included “A whole space spelling bee”, netball and basketball competitions or activities and make a tee ball/baseball area.
These ideas the students at school have thought about and put in the SRC learning space box have to be achievable, realistic, specific and lead to a small action by the end of the term.”
Stay tuned for some fun Netball/basketball activities this term soon!
National Week of Action Against Bullying and Violence
We will celebrate National week of Action Against Bullying and Violence on the week from 12th to 16th of August. The teachers will focus on teaching the children what bullying is, ways we can prevent bullying at school and what to do if they or someone they know is being bullied. The theme for 2024 is 'Everyone belongs'. Next week our whole school PBL lesson will focus on Kindness in the learning space: Encourage and support others.
If your child is being bullied, please visit the Bullying no way website for some tips on how to best handle the situation.
Kindness is the foundation for happiness.
Even when we're struggling, our little acts of daily kindness still make a big difference.
The Action for Happiness Altruistic August calendar is full of inspiring actions to help you spread a bit of happiness. Why not try some of these actions with your family. In the words of Australia’s first Saint Mary McKillop, who celebrated her feast day on Thursday. NEVER SEE A NEED WITHOUT DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
If you have any concerns about the mental health or wellbeing of your child, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am available to speak to at school, via the phone or email on rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au
Rachel Lenko
Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader
Positive Quote for the Day