Learning and Teaching

Student Wellbeing Performing Arts Program
Lego Club
Lego Club is a fun, hands-on lunchtime club for Junior students, with Senior students pitching in to help out. It’s a great way for students to boost their confidence and creativity.
As they work on projects together, they get to see their ideas come to life and take pride in their creations. The club also encourages students to meet and connect with new people, creating a friendly atmosphere where everyone feels included. By sharing a common interest in Lego, students make new friends and learn how to work as a team.
Senior students play a key role by mentoring Juniors by offering support. This helps create a positive environment where juniors feel comfortable joining in. Through group activities, students pick up important social skills like communication, teamwork, and respecting others’ ideas.
Lego Club is held on Wednesdays at First Lunch in LS3.
In Student Wellbeing Performing Arts Specialist classes, Juniors have been tackling gender stereotypes and finding ways to challenge them. The students are diving into this topic through fun activities including role plays, dance and group discussions. Students are exploring how these stereotypes affect people and brainstorming strategies to break them down.
By getting involved in these activities, students learn to think more openly about gender roles and work towards creating a more inclusive and supportive community.
Students created a short performance of how it doesn’t matter if you’re a boy or girl, you can be whatever you want to be when you grow up, for example a firefighter, doctor, surgeon etc. Our focus in Drama is to project our voices.
In our Senior Student Wellbeing Performance Arts classes, students have been diving into gender stereotypes and how they're being addressed in today's society. This term, they've been tackling these ideas by rewriting classic fairy tales. Traditionally, these stories often feature a princess in need of rescue by a strong prince, but our students are flipping the script. Imagine a fairytale where it's the prince with the long beard who needs saving, and the princess on the horse comes to the rescue!
The students have been incredibly engaged and passionate about their new versions of these stories. They'll get a chance to rehearse their scripts in class, and some of them will even perform their reimagined tales at our upcoming assembly.
Students have been developing their acting and drama skills by focusing on voice projection and utilising their bodies as a means of expression, all without relying on props.
Kristy Galea
Student Wellbeing Performing Arts Teacher
This week and last week children have been focusing on the mental strategies listed below at school. You can keep practicing these at home.
Foundation | Counting backwards by ones within the range 30 – 0 -Start at 30 and count backwards by 1 to 0 -Can you start at any number between 0-30 and count backwards by 1’s
Year 1 | Partitions of 10 - e.g. 7 + 3 = 10 or 3 + 7 = 10 Children practice recording the different combinations of numbers that can be added together to total 10. It is important for children to know these combinations by heart as it helps them when adding and subtracting larger number and bridging to the next decuple (group of 10).
Commutativity Commutativity relates to equations and the notion that the answer to the equation is the same regardless of the order of the numbers. This applies specifically to addition in Year 1 and in Year 2 to multiplication. E.g. 6+2=8 2+6=8
Year 2 |
Backwards number word sequence by 10’s within the range 0 – 1000 starting at any number Count backwards by 10’s starting at any number, between 1-1 000. E.g. 231, 221,211,201 and so on
Year 3 |
Backward number word sequence by 100’s & 10’s from 10,000 and beyond starting at any number Children practice counting backwards by 100’s & 10’s from 10,000 starting at any number. To challenge themselves children can try counting backwards starting at a number beyond 10,000.
Year 4 & 5 |
Addition and Subtraction: splitting into known/unknown parts-Split Strategy Children practice splitting numbers up into parts – 100’s, 10’s 1’s and adding/subtracting these parts to make the process easier. E.g. 37 + 25 Split: Think 30 + 20 = 50 7 + 5 = 12 50 + 12 = 62
E.g 53-19 Split: 50 – 10 = 40 3 – 9 = -6 40 – 6 = 34
Year 6 |
Distributive property – Division without materials We can divide larger numbers using the distributive property by breaking those numbers into smaller factors.
Joanna Forbes
Learning and Teaching
Music and Dance
This term in Music and Dance, Senior students are learning about the Elements of Dance and the Elements of Music.
They are working in groups to compose, create and perform a musical piece, playing a wide variety of instruments that conveys a story or emotion. They are working collaboratively to choreograph a short dance piece, which they will continue to build on.
Junior students are learning a variety of songs and playing them on glockenspiels and keyboards. They are learning dance moves to develop their coordination, balance, timing and rhythm.
Junior students have enjoyed the opportunity to perform a Talent Show item at the end of their Music and Dance class this week. We have seen some wonderful performances so far of singing, dancing, playing piano and drums. I look forward to seeing the Seniors Talent Show items next week and for many more students to perform and showcase their talents in the future.
Nicole Parnell
Music and Dance Teacher
Grade 5/6 Interschool Sport
Today our Grade 5/6's played against Casey Fields Primary School which was an away game. Casey Fields Primary School is one of the strongest schools in our district. Our Grade 5/6's showed enthusiasm and great sportsmanship towards the opposition. We are very proud of our students, and I commend them on their competitiveness and respect to the other students.
NOTE: Parents are welcome to attend and support their children, with games usually running from around 9:15 am till 10:30 am. We are also looking for any parents who are willing to come and help coach the teams on the Interschool Sports Days.
On Fridays that we are not involved in Interschool Sports students will be training on a Friday morning. If you are interested in assisting and have a current Working with Children Check please let me know via email on lbarbakos@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au and I will provide you with more detailed information of dates and times.
District Athletics (Wednesday August 21st)
Our students that are competing in District Athletics are training very hard for their respective events. They are missing out on their break time in order to train for their event.
Soccer Girls Team (Monday August 19th)
We had a meeting to discuss tactical moves in preparation for the Regional Soccer match. Collaboratively we discussed how we best prepare as a team. The girls are looking forward to this event as this is the first time ever they have reached this stage. The girls are looking forward to training on Thursday's.
Primary Schools Tournament (Tuesday August 13th)
Our Grade 5/6 Netball mixed and girls team will be competing in the Primary School Tournament at Casey Stadium on Tuesday August 13th. The tournament is an all day event, playing several games and if any parents want to attend please do so. This is the second year that our school has been involved in this all day tournament. Goodluck to both teams and enjoy the day!
Lulli Barbakos
Physical Education Teacher
Junior volleyball clinics begin next week. Please ensure your child is wearing their sports uniform and brings their drink bottle on the day.
Week 5
Monday August 12th LS1 & LS3 TB
Friday August 16th LS2 & LS3 RI
Week 6
Monday August 19th LS1 & LS3 TB
Friday August 23rd LS2 & LS3 RI
Week 7
Monday August 26th LS1 & LS3 TB
Week 8
Friday September 6th LS2 & LS3 RI
Week 9
Monday September 9th LS1 & LS3 TB
Friday September 13th LS2 & LS3 RI
Our Auskick Centre at SFS had their second clinic on Wednesday August 7th from 3.30-4.30pm. Students once again had a great time at their clinic, learning how to hand pass, kick and other skills. Thanks to Tyler and our other AFL coaches both students and parents enjoyed the various activities.
If you have not yet registered your child there is still time to register. Three clinics remain. Please use the QR code attached to register your child and the discount code for a $10 discount.
Parents please note that you must take students to the after school clinics and remain there for the duration of the clinic.
What a great time our staff and students are having competing in our own Olympics! Each LS Juniors and Seniors are going out and competing in various novelty events in their Houses. Points are being given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Below is the summary for last week’s Olympic Competition.
Please come and join us in our Olympic Closing Ceremony on Monday 9th September at 9.00 am where we will announce the House that comes 1st in the SFS Olympics.
LS1 |
0 points |
2 points |
6 points |
10 points
LS2 | 26 points | 20 points | 8 points | 30 points |
LS3 | 14 points | 12 points | 24 points | 22 points
SCHOOL TOTAL FOR WEEK 3 | 40 Points | 34 points | 38 points | 62 points |
WINNING HOUSE: Overall School Winner:
LS1 Bosco Bosco
LS2 Bosco
LS3 MacKillop
Sports Coordinator