Student Awards

Student of the Week Awards

Monday 2nd SeptemberStudent NameFor...
FAVan REnthusiastically participating in all the activities at our excursion to Healesville Sanctuary.
FMRoy CEnthusiastically participating in all the activities at our excursion to Healesville Sanctuary.
1KFinn MAlways displaying his BEST work, particularly in Mathematics. Well done Finn!
2DSeb MDoing his personal best to focus on his learning and make good choices. Keep it up Seb!
2HLivy GAlways taking such pride in her work and sharing her wonderful creative ideas with others.
2/3QMitchell YHis great Haiku poems and trying his best in the class. Keep it up Mitchell!
3GChloe CDemonstrating excellence by writing a fantastic Haiku poem about the ocean. Keep it up!
3OAshlyn EPersistence with her writing especially with her Haiku and Quatrain poetry.
5IEmmeline TPutting in her best effort with her explanation text on ‘How does a Spider Spin a Web’.
5KMarx HHis wonderful organisation and preparation for his Olympics Project. You did an amazing presentation. Keep up the good work. Well done!
5/6MJoshua SAlways striving for excellence, especially when completing challenging Mathematical problems. Keep it up!
6DMatilda HHer persistence when "bumping up" her explanation writing piece. Well Done Matilda
6MTristan AShowing excellence and determination in his pursuit of chess success
MandarinAlexander VHis enthusiastic participation in talking about favourite Olympic sports in Mandarin. 
PABeau DShowing leadership skills when working on a creative task with other students. Great work Beau!
PERaine SShowing enthusiasm and great handballing skills during our Auskick (AFL) unit. 
ScienceEliza HHer fantastic work investigating what happens to different materials when they are heated and cooled.