
We acknowledge that traffic and parking can be a little chaotic around the school, particularly at drop off and pick up times, but please do obey the parking and traffic signs around the school. This is so important for the safety of everyone, especially our students.
The “Kiss and Go” zones (see examples) are for quick drop offs and pickups (2 minutes is the maximum time to stop there. If you need to come into the school, make sure you find alternative parking elsewhere. A reminder also not to park directly on the school crossings. When this happens, our crossing supervisors cannot legally manage the crossing and they are forced to stand aside. This is not something anyone wishes to happen.
Thank you to all those families who have paid their child/ren’s Garden Class fee. The school relies on these funds to employ our Garden Class Instructor, and to purchase materials for the upkeep and development of the garden.
If you have not yet paid this fee for your child/ren, please do so by June 7th. From Term 3, students not participating in the garden class will join another classroom.