Year 4 Steiner 

Celebrating Learning

The Whole and its Parts

The class four students have been learning about fractions in our Main Lesson “The Whole and its Parts” and have learnt about the different ways that we separate whole numbers into smaller parts, as well as comparing them, ordering them and creating imagery of them. 


We are about to finish up and move onto “the Human Body and Animal Kingdom” Main Lesson in which we will compare ourselves to animals from around the world. Below are some images of the students current Main Lesson work and their thoughts on our current Main Lesson.


Ila says “I like it because we are not just doing numbers, but using pictures and real scenarios as well.”

Ambrose says “I enjoy the fractions except for the anecdotes that we write about when we do our learning.”

Penelope says “It was a pretty good Main Lesson, with lots of good excuses to draw cats on my work.”