Year Six News


On Tuesday the St Mary’s Friendship leaders had the great chance  to speak on radio on the Southern 88.3 FM station. We met Kate, the person who runs the Intergenerational program and we talked about the program on live radio. We interviewed  Sally Anne, an important person from BHN.  A short time after,  we interviewed some people from the intergenerational program. Their names were Jill and Dennis. 


The Intergenerational program is where 9 students from St Mary’s (Social Justice leader and Friendship leaders) get to go down to the Hampton community house to go and see 9 seniors from BHN. So far we have done 3 sessions with them including introducing ourselves, playing board games and art with Mrs M. 


Overall it is a fantastic experience and we are looking forward to our next Intergenerational session next Wednesday at the Hampton community centre.



By Sienna and Willem 6SK



Year Six Camp


Space Station

 When we first got to the space station we saw the big satellites and they connected to space, the first one was the satellite that connected to the first moon landing, and at the time it was the biggest satellite in the southern hemisphere. And the first one, or the bigger satellite, is to this day the biggest satellite in the southern hemisphere taking over the other one, and when we almost went inside we were outside talking about voyager 1 and voyager 2, they both went into different directions, north, and south. At the moment voyager 2 is further away and have almost lost connection with it, it is so far away that voyager 2 takes 23 hours to send a message to if the space station want voyager 2  to check something out, voyager 1 is far but not as far as voyager 2, it takes 22 hours wich is still really far away. Then we went inside and we saw some really cool stuff because we got to look around at all the stuff, like what they ate in space, and a rock that costs 1 billion dollars because it was in space. Angus A 6R



On camp we got to visit the AIS (Australian Institute of Sport). We went into the gift shop which had lots and lots of cool stuff like pins, hats, clothes, mini basketball, socks, and lots of sports balls. Once we got out of the gift shop we went to the sports experience! We got to play on heaps of interactive sports games like bobsledding, football and soccer simulators and their basketball area. They were heaps of fun. After this we got to go on a tour of the AIS. This included watching paralympians train in the pool, watch the Australian volleyball team train for the olympics and we got to see the gym and gymnasium they practise in.  Overall it was a great experience! - Edgar 6R


War Memorial

On Canberra Year 6 Camp we got to the War memorial and we got greeted by our tour guides, Dennis and Jenny. We got split into two groups. We first watched a video on how the war memorial was made. Dennis told us some history facts on the Pearl Harbour bombing. Then we got to look at the artefacts from the war like a vest worn by one of the soldiers. We learnt about a soldier who gave his life to save his battalion in afghanistan. We also got to look at all the names of soldiers who died in all the wars Australia was involved in. In a room we got to see the unknown soldier.- Tomas 6R


High court and Parliament House

The year 6 recently went to a Canberra camp!  We got to visit many exciting places! We went to the high court on the second day and it was lots of fun! We had two tour guides and they were amazing. When we first  went in there was security and it was  like an airport! Then we went to see a real court case deciding how long the individual would be in prison for. We also went inside the chamber, it's a big courtroom with a tall ceiling and three pictures of the past head judges. It was so cool!     



Wow! Questacon was insane! We went on the second last night and partied on the bus on the way there. It really pumped us up ready for the amazing time we were prepared for. When we got there we went straight Aaaq to the Questacon gift shop. It had lots of pretty cool things like bouncy putty, chocolate astroids, freeze dried ice cream and lollies. Then we went up to the giant slide! It was so much fun! You had to grab on to a metal bar and then drop. It was really scary because the bar was so slippery and you basically just slipped off. Then we explored a different part of Questacon, the lego part! We explored the lego room, Brick Man made most of the lego build and they were amazing! There was an amazing area in the lego centre, and that was the.. DUCK AREA!! We got to build lots of lego ducks to put on a massive lily pad! Well, to sum it up Questacon was an amazing way to end the night.


Art Leader News

This year as an Art leader we have done lots of things to prepare for the production and it has been lots of fun. We have painted the back drops white so Miss M can do the Frozen details. We also have redone the poles in the imagination garden and we are going to design them in a theme. Lastly, we have been doing great this year. I'm so happy I'm an Art leader, because I'm a great artist.


Ciaro 6SK