Middle School News-Yr 3/4

Reflection day Monday 29th of July
Days of Eucharist celebrations Sunday 4th August 10.30am
Sunday 11th August 5:00pm
Reminder: Excursion - Melbourne Zoo
The Year 3/4 students will be attending a school excursion to the Melbourne Zoo this Term.
When: Friday 14th June, 2024
Where: Melbourne Zoo, Elliott Ave, Parkville VIC 3052
Please sign and complete the Operoo form, in order for your child to attend the excursion.
In this unit of inquiry, students have explored the interconnectedness of living things and the environment, focusing on how human actions can impact them. Through investigations, experiments and discussions, students will develop an understanding of biological concepts such as life cycles, ecosystems, and the distinction between living and non-living things. They will also learn about the Earth's rotation, surface changes and how human activities contribute to environmental changes.
The Melbourne Zoo program will walk students through the lens of the seasonal calendar of the Kulin Nation, develop their understanding of the dependency between living things and their environment. They will take away skills to incorporate sustainable practices in
their own lives.
Please note: Your child must arrive at school by 8:50am as the bus will depart at 9:00am.
Thankyou for the parents who have contacted us via email to be parent helpers.
We do not require any more for this excursion.
PE Uniform Required
3/4 KM | 3/4 TM | 3/4 M |
PE - Monday Class Sport - Thursday | PE - Tuesday Class Sport - Tuesday | PE - Monday Class Sport - Friday |
Classroom Contacts
3/4 KM | 3/4 TM | 3/4 M |
Monday-Wednesday Cecily Kerr: ckerr@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au
Thursday, Friday Rachel McMahon: | Monday-Wednesday, Friday OliviaTallarico: otallarico@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au
Thursday: Diandra Merolda: | Monday - Friday Lucy McNamara: lcmnarama@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au |