Junior School News 


Prep - Yr 2

Prep News

On Friday, our Prep students will be attending their first excursion as primary school students, visiting 'Myuna Farm'. We are so excited!



In Mathematics, Prep students have been learning about small and big doubles as a strategy to assist them when solving addition problems. 



Students have enjoyed using picture prompts and their adjectives to describe what they see, think and wonder. They are learning to recognise punctuation when reading aloud with a focus on expression. 



In Inquiry and Religious Education, students have continued to make connections with different bible stories, sustainability and how we can sustain God's creation and our environment. 


1/2 Zoo Excursion!

Last week, the 1/2 students attended a fantastic excursion to the Melbourne Zoo! Before visiting the Zoo, the students had been learning about Information Reports. Each class chose 2-3 animals that they wanted to focus on together and gathered information about those animals throughout our excursion!

After returning to school, the students used their newly gained knowledge about these animals to produce an information report! It was a very successful and fun excursion. 


We would like to send out a huge thank you to all of our wonderful parent volunteers that both attended and offered to attend. Day's like this are not possible without the support of our amazing community!



Throughout the term, our students have been focussing on 'Sustainability' and ways in which we can sustain God's creation! Our students are in the process of designing and creating a prototype to assist us in caring for our environment. They have collected recyclable materials to assist them in creating these prototypes and further cement our understanding of Reusing, Recycling and Reducing. 



Year 1/2 students are continuing to consolidate their knowledge of number and algebra each week. We are learning to use a number line to represent, compare, order and sequence numbers and consolidate our understanding of addition and subtraction simultaneously. As well as this, students have been exploring telling the time, understanding days of the week, months of the year and reading calendars. 



The Prep &1/2 Team


Isabella Rachele - irachele@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au

Gianni Montalto - gmontalto@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au

Julie McIntyre - jmcintyre@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au

Joyce Dunne - jdunne@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au

Paul Wynne - pwynne@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au

Belinda Jackson- bjackson@olgcdeepdeene.catholic.edu.au