Art News

Year 7 Visual Arts: Colour Scheme Paintings

In their exploration of colour theory, Year 7 students have focused on understanding the principles of the colour wheel. Through this study, they have gained insights into harmonious and complementary colour combinations, which they have applied to their paintings. Selecting individual designs, students have skilfully implemented their chosen colour schemes, refining both their painting techniques and fine motor skills in the process.


Aidan Gunawan
Alannah Fretwell
Alfred Koval
Alika Dear
Aliyah Pagtalunan
Amelia Scott
Aryan Rampalli
Bhavin Bandlamudi
Charlotte McCoy
Chloe Truong
Christopher Russen
Daniel Djankardashliyski
Dori Dask
Eltia Prousalis
Harshitha Prasanna
Kiara Makhijani
Lexine Connell
Madeleine Li
Maya Shanmugam
Micah Wong
Nishka Limbachiya
Persephone Anastasopoulos
Phoebe Faux
Raphael Steinburger
Riku Ono
Saanvi Subudhi
Sanvi Sood
Zeal Patel
Aidan Gunawan
Alannah Fretwell
Alfred Koval
Alika Dear
Aliyah Pagtalunan
Amelia Scott
Aryan Rampalli
Bhavin Bandlamudi
Charlotte McCoy
Chloe Truong
Christopher Russen
Daniel Djankardashliyski
Dori Dask
Eltia Prousalis
Harshitha Prasanna
Kiara Makhijani
Lexine Connell
Madeleine Li
Maya Shanmugam
Micah Wong
Nishka Limbachiya
Persephone Anastasopoulos
Phoebe Faux
Raphael Steinburger
Riku Ono
Saanvi Subudhi
Sanvi Sood
Zeal Patel


Year 8 Art: Work in Progress

In Year 8 Art, students are painting pictures of their homes inspired by the work of Melbourne artist Howard Arkley. At one time Arkley had a studio in Oakleigh, where he painted large vibrant images of suburban life, notably a cream brick veneer titled ‘Triple Fronted’, 1987.



Year 9 3D Visual Arts: Crazy Cactus Gardens

In the Year 9 Ceramics course, students embarked on an imaginative project titled 'Crazy Cactus Gardens'. Tasked with crafting their own distinctive terracotta pinch-pots, students expertly applied an aged patina using an oxide wash, adding depth and character to their creations. Additionally, they meticulously sculpted small individual cacti using raku clay. Through skillful assembly, these components converged into remarkable sculptures. The resulting artworks reflect not only the students' technical proficiency but also their creativity and attention to detail.


Mercy Joachim
Keiran Fretwell
Caitlin Buckley
James Fetsis
Jed Loyer
Brielle Willis
Isabella Munoz
Roque Nator
Sebastian Jason
Mercy Joachim
Keiran Fretwell
Caitlin Buckley
James Fetsis
Jed Loyer
Brielle Willis
Isabella Munoz
Roque Nator
Sebastian Jason


Bernadette McIvor: Head of Visual Arts & VCD Teacher 

Ben Wickham: Art Teacher

Karyn Lindner: Art & VCD teacher