Grade 1 Community News

Dear Grade 1 families,
As we dive into the middle of Term 2, our Grade 1 students have been busy exploring new topics and honing their skills across various subjects.
Here’s what’s been happening in our vibrant Grade 1 community.
For our Read 2 Learn unit, our students have been learning about the fascinating world of Ancient Mesopotamia. We have been learning facts about this ancient civilisation, exploring its unique culture, inventions and the way people lived long ago.
It’s been an exciting journey back in time and we’re thrilled to see students’ curiosity and enthusiasm grow with each fact they’ve learned.
Some facts discussed in this unit:
Mesopotamia: is the land between 2 rivers. The Tigris River and Euphrates River.
Farming: When farming was discovered in Ancient Mesopotamia, more and more people gathered together, and they created the first ever civilisation.
Community: Many people had jobs and responsibilities in Ancient Mesopotamia. Everyone had a role to play in their community. Some people were craftsmen, farmers, sailors and builders. They realised with each other; they could build a great civilisation.
In writing, our students have been crafting information reports to enhance their understanding from our Read 2 Learn unit on Ancient Mesopotamia. They have been collecting facts, and using them to create their own informational reports. Grade 1’s have been following the writing process cycle to plan, draft and revise their reports. In the coming weeks, we will be working on editing and publishing our information reports to share with our peers.
Our mathematicians have been actively collecting data and gathering information about their classmates. We have learned how to ask questions and provide options for our friends to choose from.
For example, Pavnoor in 1A asked her friends what they would like to eat at her party. The options she gave were samosas, pizzas, cupcakes or tacos. After asking her friends, she collected the data and used a tally mark system where one response meant one tally mark. The next step for Pavnoor was to transfer the data into a picture graph. This made it easy for her to read her data and she could easily see that cupcakes were the most popular and tacos were the least popular. Well done Pavnoor!
In Vocabulary, we have been learning tier 2 words from our serial text ‘The Enchanted Wood’ by Enid Blyton. Our students demonstrate their understanding by saying the meaning of each word and putting them into a sentence. We have even noticed that they are including vocabulary words in their writing.
Week 5 words
Week 6 words
Grade 1 Incursion:
On the last week of term 2, Grade 1 students will have an opportunity to participate in a Social and Emotional incursion presented by ‘Beats from the Soul’. Information regarding our upcoming incursion is live on Compass. Please make sure to make payments online and also give consent.
Friendly Reminders:
- Please ensure your child is bringing their reading satchel to school with their student journal, so we can celebrate your child reading milestones.
- Please ensure your child is only bringing water to school. Students are allowed to bring cut up fruit in containers to eat during learning time.
- Lunch orders are available for students on Monday, Wednesday and Friday throughout the term and may be ordered through:
We thank you for your continued support of your child’s learning.