Physical Education News

Dear Students, Families, and Parents,
The students have been working really hard on their skills as well as their knowledge of the games that they are learning. Keep up the great work everyone!
Well done to all of our students who competed in the district Cross Country! You all represented our school very well and made us all proud! Congratulations to the following students who made it through to the Division Cross Country, Viyona Mehta, Chloe Muscat, Gurman Turka, Manshant Sandhu, Gursmuit Brar, Ambreen Kuar, Hunar Guar, Zawwar Usama- Khan, Nikhill Naresh Kumar, Aryman Chohan.
Upcoming Sports:
Division Cross Country 28th May
Winter Gala Day 5th June
The Preps have been working really hard with their Fundamental Motor skills and have been making lots of growth. We have moved from catching into focusing on our ball skills with our feet. The Preps have been practicing their dribbling as well as their kicking.
Grades 1 and 2Grade 1s and 2s have been working very hard on their penguin feet as well as their kicking technique. The grade 1s have focused on how to control a ball with their feet while moving in various directions and at different speeds. The grade 2s have been working on their kicking as well as their dribbling with the focus being to make sure that we step into the ball placing our front foot next to it, swing back with our leg, kick with our laces and follow through all while keeping our eyes on the ball.
Grades 3 and 4:
Grade 3s and 4s have been working hard on their skills of 3 steps and a bounce followed by a pass as well as defending. They have been able to bring their skills into the sport of European Handball and will be able to transfer their knowledge of space and game awareness into our next sport which is soccer.
Grades 5 and 6:
The Grades 5 and 6s have been working on Invasion games as well with the Grade 5s learning the different skills of AFL and the Grade 6s playing European Handball. The Grade 5s have been practicing their drop punt while the grade 6s are focusing on finding space in the game.
North Melbourne Visit:
The North Melbourne Football Club visited us Monday afternoon and ran a clinic with all of the Preps. Thanks to Eddie Ford and Finnbar Maley for coming out and running a session for us! We had lots of fun!
Auskick Discount Code:
Below is a discount code for midweek Auskick at Tarneit Rise. It takes place on a Thursday Afternoon from 315-415.
Superstar of the Week!
Photograph of Ambreen (Grade 6) who secured 2nd position in the recent Cross Country District division (Year 12)
If you would like your child posted in the next issue of the TRPS Superstars section please send your child’s photo, name, and club to the school email.
PE Team