Principal's Message

Hello Tarneit Rise Primary School Community,
We hope everyone has had a wonderful fortnight!
We extend a warm welcome to the following children and their families:
Year Foundation: Miss Erin Kaur
Year 1: Miss Voinalie
Year 4: Miss Julie
Year 5: Mr Arushi
Year 6: Miss Jeninah
Celebrating our Education Support Staff
We have over 60 amazing Education Support Staff working in our school. This includes our inclusion aides, intervention staff, maintenance staff, administration staff, psychologists, speech pathologists, social workers, an art therapist, wellbeing and engagement officers and many more. Without these staff members, our school would not be the incredible place that it is. On Friday 17th May, it was Education Support Appreciation Day, which we celebrated with morning tea cupcakes. Thank you to all of our Education Support staff for all that you do for our school community, not just on 17th May but every day! If you see any of our ES staff around the school, please share your appreciation.
Student Support Group Meetings
Over the last three weeks, our staff, students and families have been coming together to discuss students’ progress at our Student Support Group meetings. This has been a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the progress students have made, the adjustments in place to support our children to be successful in their learning and to devise learning goals for the current term. These meetings are held for all children who are funded under the Program for Students with Disabilities or Disability Inclusion, and our students who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. Thank you to our families and staff for this continuing partnership to provide the adjustments and support that our children need to be successful at school.
We wish you all a wonderful fortnight ahead.
Nadia, Sarah, Missy, Gemma, Lauren, Stephen, Adam, and Alana