Captain's Report
Term 2 is moving swiftly along - far more swiftly than I expected, to be honest. We recently celebrated IDAHOBIT Day, with students allowed to wear a splash of colour with their uniforms on the 17th of May, and the Wellbeing team handing out badges to show solidarity. A barbeque was hosted by Amy Johnson, our very own Science Vice Prefect, to raise money for a vegetable garden at school, and it went well, as far as I know!!
School has gotten rather busy for the Year 12s, with a lot of SACs these past couple of weeks, and the teachers are starting to prep us for both the GAT and university applications. It's kind of exciting, really - to see some of the benefits of what we've worked so hard for the last 5 years for so close around the corner.
We only have about 6 months to go, after all.
I hope everyone has enjoyed the month of May!
Evie Taylor
School Captain