Spaß mit Deutsch – Fun with German

Primary School Incursion


Our local primary schools were again invited to attend Heathmont College’s “Spaß mit Deutsch” day during Week 3 of Term 2. We had 100 students and their teachers from Bayswater South Primary School and Boronia Heights Primary School attend this annual event.


This year, our German staff were most ably assisted by our Year 9 and 10 German students. Our Year 10s demonstrated their leadership qualities, taking charge of some of the activities All Heathmont students represented our school values of Community, Compassion and Curiosity with their participation in the day.


Four activities were on offer: European Handball, creating artwork in the style of German artist, Franz Marc, investigating German culture through information stations and a German culture and language Jeopardy Quiz. These tasks were designed to suit a range of interests, giving students the opportunity to learn about German language and culture through participation and investigation.


The primary students took part in each activity with great enthusiasm! It was great to see them support each other through each challenge. Our students did us proud with their support of our young visitors. 


An unexpected highlight for many of the primary students was an impromptu lunchtime game of basketball with some of our Year 11 students, who graciously allowed the visitors to join them. It was a great display of fun and inclusion.


I would like to thank all our Year 9 and 10 German students who helped on the day, setting up, packing up and running activities, as well as our Heathmont staff for their support in organising and running the day – Frau Fittje and Frau Ho, for setting up and leading activities and organising prize packs for the primary students, and Mrs Birchall, who stepped in on the day to run fantastic Handball sessions. 


Handball was fun and competitive” – Jude, Year 10 


“I really enjoyed the German day as it provided a great experience to teach younger year levels and put German knowledge to the test. It was a great day gaining German and leadership skills. I’d love to do it again.” – Lewis Healey, Year 10 


“The German fun day was really fun as I got to help the younger students learn some new German words on phrases.” – Angus K, Year 10


“The ‘Fun with German day’ was a really great experience where we got to run activities for Grade 6 students to learn about and enjoy the German language and its history. I enjoyed encouraging them to continue with German into high school like me and my peers. My favourite part of the day was running a German quiz activity and getting to spend time with my friends and the Grade six students in the process.” – Ellie W, Year 10 


I liked the activities…overall it was fun.” – Henry D, Year 10  


"I liked the Year 6 transition event. I helped out with doing the Jeopardy which was fun and I also helped out with the treasure hunt as well.” Jack Year 10 


"I think it was a really great day to celebrate learning German and encouraging younger kids to continue German going into high school.”  


Heathmont College, Bayswater South and Boronia Heights Primary Schools, students and staff in our beautiful Learning Centre.
Heathmont College, Bayswater South and Boronia Heights Primary Schools, students and staff in our beautiful Learning Centre.


Ashton Wiegard hosting Jeopardy
Ashton Wiegard hosting Jeopardy
Ellie Westerveld and Ethan Wagner, hosts of “Millionärskoffer”
Ellie Westerveld and Ethan Wagner, hosts of “Millionärskoffer”
Noah Stirling and Felix Li supporting Bayswater South Primary students participating in the “Millionärskoffer” activity.
Noah Stirling and Felix Li supporting Bayswater South Primary students participating in the “Millionärskoffer” activity.
Boronia Heights Primary School students creating artwork inspired by the German artist, Franz Marc.
Boronia Heights Primary School students creating artwork inspired by the German artist, Franz Marc.


Frau Birchall, Jayden Howard, Will Elford and Jude Sheen leading European Handball competitions.
Frau Birchall, Jayden Howard, Will Elford and Jude Sheen leading European Handball competitions.


Frau Ryan

German Curriculum Area Leader