Round Table Discussion with Federal Minister 

Michael Sukkar -Federal Member for Deakin

Deakin Round Table with Michael Sukkar - Federal Member for Deakin


Student Reflections   


On the 21st of May, a few of our school leaders and myself went to the Deakin roundtable session two meeting. Going into the meeting I was a bit unsure of what I got myself into and didn’t really know what to expect. My peers and I were all a bit nervous going in and meeting all the different schools but as the meeting went on, we all warmed up to each other and it was a great way to get to know all the different schools. A sport and life training company called SALT were the ones presenting to us. They went through the values of being a leader, how we can become better leaders and how we as leaders can make a difference. The presenters spoke to us in a way that we could relate to, such as our sporting life. One thing I will always remember from this meeting is to become a better leader you have to know and believe in your core values. Overall, I really enjoyed this session and look forward to more like this. 


Alivia Dennis

Year 11 



On 21st of may a group of the student from the leadership team and I went to a round table meeting where we had the opportunity to talked to a representative from SALT (sport and life training). During this session we learnt about how to become a better leader and the steps to take in order to become a better leader. Through this I learnt many new leadership skills that I am excited to be able to use in the future. I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to go to this session with SALT and I am looking forward to the next round table session.  


Ashlan White

Year 11  


On Wednesday the 21st of May, I attended the second round of the Deakin leadership round table conference. It was an opportunity for the other leaders of the school and I to learn how we ourselves can become better leaders as well as helping other leaders in our area become better leaders. It was a great seminar held by SALT Sport and Lifestyle Training who took us through real life situations where strong leadership is needed and what qualities make both a good and great leader. It was an enjoyable day full of laughs and interesting conversation. 


Maddie Butler 

Year 12