Year 10 Update

An Examined Life  

The importance of checking in 

The Year 10 cohort are to be congratulated on the way they have conducted themselves during their first major examination experience. I have been so proud of their mature approach and dedication throughout the past week. From watching them prepare revision notes and flash cards, seeking out teachers for last minute feedback, to working in study groups hours before examinations beginning. Their hard work and positive attitude have set a fantastic example for the entire school community.  


In our last Wellbeing session, we were fortunate enough to attend Chapel with Mrs Juers. She reminded us that in our fast-paced lives, it’s crucial to remember the importance of regularly checking in with ourselves. Reflecting on the idea of an 'unexamined life,' Mrs Juers encouraged us to consider the value of assessing our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. This practice is not just about self-reflection but about developing a life skill that leads to meaningful, purposeful, and fulfilling living. By examining our habits, values, and goals, we ensure that we are living authentically and intentionally. So, with the examinations coming to an end, HPA about to ramp up, and Semester 2 just around the corner, I ask the Year 10s Have you taken the time to check in with yourself recently? 

Nicole Elliott

Year 10 Coordinator